Cosminexus V9 アプリケーションサーバ メッセージ(構築/運用/開発用)



Valid cjmsicmd subcommands and arguments:
compact dst : Compact one or all destinations.
create dst : Create a destination.
destroy dst : Destroy a destination.
destroy dur : Destroy a durable subscription.
list bkr : List the broker.
list dst : List destinations on the broker.
list dur : List durable subscriptions on the topic.
list svc : List services on the broker.
pause bkr : Pause jms service on the broker.
pause dst : Pause one or all destinations.
purge dst : Purge all messages on a destination without
destroying the destination.
purge dur : Purge all messages on a durable subscription
without destroying the durable subscription.
query bkr : Query and display information on a broker.
query dst : Query and display information on a destination.
resume bkr : Resume jms service on the broker.
resume dst : Resume one or all destinations.
shutdown bkr : Shutdown broker.
