3.3.1 Configuration and deployment of CTM processes
The following figure shows an example of deploying processes for using CTM.
The following table describes the main functionality of each process.
Table 3‒2: Processes necessary for using CTM
CTM daemon
A process that manages a schedule queue that controls requests from clients
CTM regulator
A process that distributes and consolidates requests that concentrate on a CTM daemon
CTM domain manager
A process that manages a CTM domain. A CTM domain is made up of multiple CTM daemons, and is a range in which information
can be shared and load can be balanced.
Global CORBA Naming Service
A naming service that manages the information about the business-processing programs on the hosts in the same CTM domain so
that the information can be shared
PRF daemon
(performance tracer)
An I/O process that receives performance analysis information from a CTM daemon and then outputs the information to a file.
For details about the PRF daemon, see 7.5 Settings of execution environment in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.
Smart Agent
A dynamic distributed directory service provided by TPBroker. CTM requires Smart Agent when scheduling requests. CTM also
uses Smart Agent to distribute information to the CTM daemon in a different network segment.
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