
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

I.2 Notes on the installation and un-installation of component software

This subsection separately describes the notes on the installation and un-installation of component software for the times at which the operations are performed.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items to be checked before operations


Component software


New installation

Update installation


Common to OSs

Component Container

If the installation directory has been created during the new installation of Component Container, make sure that there are no files in the installation directory.

If there is a file or directory with the same name as the file or directory installed by the product, the file or directory is overwritten. As and when required, move the directory and files, create a backup, or change the installation destination.

In Windows (Default)

  • OS-installation-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\CC

  • OS-installation-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\manager

  • OS-installation-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\c4web

  • OS-installation-drive:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\plugins

In UNIX (Fixed)

  • /opt/Cosminexus/CC




When you perform an update installation with a different version (version upgrade) for Component Container, the following directories are deleted. If there are required files in these directories, save these files before update installation.

In Windows

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\CC\admin\help

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\CC\examples

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\CC\gui


  • /opt/Cosminexus/CC/admin/help

  • /opt/Cosminexus/CC/examples

  • /opt/Cosminexus/CC/gui




When you perform an update installation with a different version (version upgrade) for Component Container, allocate double or more free space than the amount of disk space used by the work directory.




To install or un-install Component Container, stop HTTP Server. If you perform the installation or un-installation operation without stopping HTTP Server, you cannot update or un-install the redirector and Performance Tracer normally.




To install or un-install Component Container, Component Container, stop the J2EE server, Web container server, and CORBA Naming Service.




When you perform an update installation with a different version (version upgrade) for Component Container, un-install the following component software if installed. However, in order to inherit the environment, do not delete the directories of the un-installed component software.

  • Component Library

  • Manager

  • Web Services - Base




Component Container - Redirector

To install or un-install the redirector functionality, stop HTTP Server. If you perform the installation or un-installation operation without stopping HTTP Server, you cannot update or un-install the redirector and Performance Tracer normally.




Common to Windows

Component Container

When you install Component Container, do not specify a path containing # (hash mark) in the name of the Application Server installation directory.




Component Transaction Monitor

To install Component Transaction Monitor, you require the size specified in the disk occupancy. This size includes the temporary area required for the installation operation. If an attempt is made to install Component Transaction Monitor on a disk where this size has not been allocated, the installation processing will be interrupted when the free disk space becomes 5% or less. At this time, you can either allocate the free disk area, or cancel the installation operation. If you allocate the free disk area, the installation terminates normally. If you cancel the installation operation, delete all the files that are partially installed. Depending on the progress of the installation operation, you must un-install Component Transaction Monitor, or manually delete everything under the installation directory of Component Transaction Monitor.




Developer's Kit for Java

When you perform an update installation for Developer's Kit for Java, the files under Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\ are initialized. Save the required files in advance.

However, the following files need not be saved because the files before update installation are stored in the same directory with optional names (file-name_version-number_date-time):

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\lib\security\cacerts

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\management\jmxremote.access

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\management\

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\security\java.policy

  • Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk\conf\security\

To restore the file contents after an update installation, return the file stored with the optional name to the original file name, or import the contents of the file stored with the optional name into the initialized file.




HTTP Server

Before the following HTTP Server operations, stop the Cosminexus HTTP Server service:

  • Before performing an update installation with the same version (overwrite)

  • Before un-installation




Before un-installing HTTP Server, delete the services registered with the httpsd command.




With the un-installation of HTTP Server, even the files with read-only attributes are deleted.




Performance Tracer

To install Performance Tracer, you require the size specified in the disk occupancy. This size includes the temporary area required for the installation operation. If an attempt is made to install Performance Tracer on a disk where this size has not been allocated, the installation processing will be interrupted when the free disk space becomes 5% or less. At this time, you can either allocate the free disk area, or cancel the installation operation. If you allocate the free disk area, the installation terminates normally. If you cancel the installation operation, delete all the files that are partially installed. Depending on the progress of the installation operation, you must un-install Performance Tracer, or manually delete everything under the installation directory of Performance Tracer.




Common to UNIX

Component Container

The Component Container installation directory is fixed to /opt/Cosminexus/CC.




When you install Component Container, some files are affected by umask. Specify an appropriate umask.




When you perform an update installation for Component Container, and if the installation directory is changed, this installation becomes a new installation.




Component Container - Redirector

The installation directory of the redirector functionality is fixed to /opt/Cosminexus/CCR.




When you install the redirector functionality, some files are affected by umask. Specify an appropriate umask.




Developer's Kit for Java

When you perform an update installation for Developer's Kit for Java, all the files in opt/Cosminexus/jdk are deleted. Save the required files in advance.

However, the following files need not be saved because the files before update installation are stored in the same directory with optional names (file-name_version-number_date-time):

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/lib/security/cacerts

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/management/jmxremote.access

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/management/

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/security/java.policy

  • /opt/Cosminexus/jdk/conf/security/

To restore the file contents after an update installation, return the file stored with the optional name to the original file name, or import the contents of the file stored with the optional name into the initialized file.




HTTP Server

To re-install HTTP Server in a system where the server is already installed, you can perform an update installation (overwrite) with the same version. At this time, before you install HTTP Server, end the operations for all the programs and related files of HTTP Server.




If the config file already exists when you install HTTP Server, the server is installed with a version number-assigned optional name.




If /opt/hitachi/httpsd/htdocs/index.html already exists when you install HTTP Server, the file is overwritten.




When you perform an update installation with the same version (overwrite) for HTTP Server, we recommend that you save the files to be used after re-installation (config files such as httpsd.conf and sslc.cnf, and user-created contents) in advance.




If an HTTP Server installation using the PP installer fails, confirm whether the operations for all the programs and related files of HTTP Server are terminated and then re-install HTTP Server. Also, if there is a file with the same name as a directory provided with HTTP Server, the installation might fail. Make sure that a file with the same name does not exist in /opt/hitachi/httpsd, and then re-install HTTP Server.




When you perform an update installation with a different version (version upgrade) from Web Server to HTTP Server, the files, directories, and some utilities related to the HTML manuals and GUI server management functionality of the previous version might remain behind without being deleted. The use of these files is not supported.




When you un-install HTTP Server, all the files under /opt/hitachi/httpsd are deleted. Save the required files in advance.




Web Services - Security

If XML Security version 6 or earlier is already installed in an environment where you install Web Services - Security, un-install XML Security, and then install Web Services - Security.




XML Processor

When you perform an update installation with the same version (overwrite) for XML Processor, delete all the files in /opt/Cosminexus/jaxp once. Therefore, save the files required after overwrite installation in advance.





Y: Applicable.

--: Not applicable.

(2) Items to be checked during operations


Component software


New installation

Update installation


Common to Windows

HTTP Server

When performing an update installation with the same version (overwrite) for HTTP Server, if an error (such as a registry access error) occurs, un-install and then re-install HTTP Server.





Y: Applicable.

--: Not applicable.

(3) Items to be checked after operations


Component software


New installation

Update installation


Common to OSs

Component Container

When the environment is migrated by performing an update installation with a different version (version upgrade) for Component Container, the directory that was used in the earlier version is inherited and used as the work directory. Make sure you do not delete the earlier work directory version by mistake.




If HTTP Server is un-installed and then re-installed without deleting the logical Web server on Management Server, the logical Web server managed by Management Server is not deleted, but the real server (Web server (HTTP Server)) is deleted. Therefore, after re-installation, the applicable logical Web server must be re-set up with Management Server. In this case, use the management portal to set up and allocate the logical Web server again.

Also, a new httpsd.conf file is created or the existing file is overwritten when the logical Web server settings are allocated with the management portal. Therefore, if the httpsd.conf file was corrected manually, after you allocate the logical Web server settings with the management portal, correct the httpsd.conf file again, as and when required. Note that if the contents of the httpsd.conf file are edited and allocated with the Web Server Settings window of the management portal, the corrections are unnecessary.




Even if you perform an update installation with the same version (overwrite) for Component Container, DB Connector that is imported and allocated on Application Server is not updated. To update the imported and deployed DB Connector, execute the cjrarupdate command. The execution format of the cjrarupdate command is as follows:

/opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/bin/cjrarupdate -type dbconnector

For details, see cjrarupdate (update resource adapter version) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.




If there is no change in DB Connector when you execute the cjrarupdate command, the KDJE42249-W message is output. The output of this message is not a problem.




The existing RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces for J2EE applications become unavailable when Component Container is installed. After running the cjstartapp command, run the cjgetstubsjar command to re-obtain the RMI-IIOP stubs and interfaces for J2EE applications.

For details, see cjgetstubsjar (get RMI-IIOP stub and interface for application) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.




Reliable Messaging

If you perform an update installation for Reliable Messaging, the request timeout value of the commands provided by Reliable Messaging returns to the default value (0). If you edit the batch files or shell script existing in the Application-Server-installation-directory/RM/bin directory, and change the request timeout value, set the value again.




If you execute the Reliable Messaging commands, the command runtime log is output to Application-Server-installation-directory/RM/logs. During un-installation, the log directory and files existing under this directory might remain behind.




Common to Windows

Developer's Kit for Java

Even if you un-install Developer's Kit for Java, some of the files and directories might remain under Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk without being deleted. Manually delete the files and directories that are not deleted.




During the update installation of Developer's Kit for Java, the installer does not delete the files stored with the optional names even if un-installed. Also, if you implement update installation repeatedly, the files stored with the optional names are created for the number of times the update installation is repeated. As and when required, delete the unnecessary files and directories.




HTTP Server

With a new installation of HTTP Server, the startup type of the Cosminexus HTTP Server service is registered with "Manual".




With the un-installation of HTTP Server, the files and config files created after installation are not deleted. Also, the other files and directories might be retained without being deleted.




Common to UNIX

Component Container

The /opt/Cosminexus/CC/spool directory is not removed when you uninstall Component Container. Remove this directory manually after uninstalling Component Container.





Y: Applicable.

--: Not applicable.