
JP1 Version 12 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.4.9 Port number definition file (apmport.conf)

Specify the port number to the port number definition file of APM. The port is used for communication between daemon processes and commands of APM. You can make the port number definition file under the $APM_CONF folder as you need. You can use apmport.conf that exists under the $APM_NEWCONF folder as a template file. If you make, modify, or delete the port number definition file, restart services of APM. For details to restart services, see (5) Restart when you make, modify or delete the port number definition file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The format of the TCP service definition file is as follows:


(2) Description

Key name



<<20365>>((1 to 65535))

Specify the port number to be used by the hiapmmib daemon processes to communicate with the apmProcMng daemon processes.


<<20366>>((1 to 65535))

Specify the port number to be used by the apmProcMng daemon processes to communicate with the following processes:

  • apmservice daemon processes

  • apmchg commands

(3) Notes

(4) Definition example

The port number definition file can be defined as follows:


(5) Restart when you make, modify or delete the port number definition file

If you create, modify, or delete the port number definition file, restart the following service:

Notes on restarting the service

If you correct a mistake in the format or definition of the port number definition file and then partially restart the above service, the service stop timeout might expire. In such a case, wait for the time specified in the INITIMEOUT: key of the monitoring interval definition file (apmini.conf) to expire before restarting the above process. The default value of the INITIMEOUT: key is five minutes. For details on the monitoring interval definition file (apmini.conf) and the INITIMEOUT: key, see 6.4.1 Monitoring interval definition file (apmini.conf). For other notes on restarting the service, see also 3.5.10(4) Restarting the service.