6.3.6 SNMP definition file (ssosnmp.conf)
In the SNMP definition file, specify definitions of SNMP requests to be issued by SSO. If you have changed this file, perform one of the following operations:
Execute the ssoapcom and ssocollectd commands with the -r option specified to re-read the file.
Restart the ssoapmon and ssocollectd daemon processes.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
In the SNMP definition file, specify each SNMP agent definition on one line. Write the definition items in the order in which they are listed in the table in (2) Description, and delimit the items with a colon (:).
(2) Description
The next table lists the items that must be or can be defined in an SNMP definition file.
Entry name |
Value |
category-name |
The specified category name is not case sensitive. |
IP-address |
Specify the IP address of the target agent. The specification format varies between IPv4 and IPv6. For IPv4, specify the IP address in the n.n.n.n format. For n, specify a value from 0 to 255 or an asterisk (*) as a wild card. For IPv6, specify the IP address in the [x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x] format. For x, specify a value from 0 to FFFF or an asterisk (*) as a wild card. The default value of each item is set in undefined agents. |
get-community-name <<public>> ((character string of up to 255 bytes)) |
Set the community name to be used when an SNMP Get/Get-Next request is issued to the target agent. You cannot specify a colon (:). For the resource monitoring function, if 3 is specified for the SNMP version and the specification of the corresponding unique name is enabled, the specification of get-community-name will be ignored. |
set-community-name <<get-community-name>> ((character string of up to 255 bytes)) |
Set the community name to be used when an SNMP Set request is issued to the target agent. You cannot specify a colon (:). For the resource monitoring function, if 3 is specified for the SNMP version and the specification of the corresponding unique name is enabled, the specification of set-community-name will be ignored. |
response-monitoring-time <<20>> ((1 to 990)) |
Specify, in units of 1/10 seconds, the response monitoring time to be used when an SNMP request is issued to the target agent. |
retry-count <<3>> ((0 to 99)) |
Specify the number of retries to be attempted when an SNMP request is issued to the target agent. |
port-number <<161>> ((1 to 65535)) |
Specify the port number to be used when an SNMP request is issued to the target agent. |
SNMP-proxy-IP-address#1 |
The proxy IP address for issuing an SNMP request to the target agent is specified in the format of n.n.n.n. For n, specify a value from 0 to 255. |
SNMP-version#2, #3 <<User resource: 1, SSO-Ex category resource: 2, SSO category resource: 1 or 2#4>> |
Specify the version of SNMP to be used to browse or collect resources. The specifiable values are 1, 2 or 3. 1: Use SNMP Version 1 (SNMPv1) to issue requests. 2: Use SNMP Version 2 (SNMPv2c) to issue requests. 3: Use SNMP Version 3 (SNMPv3) to issue requests.
unique-name#5 |
Specify the unique name of the SNMPv3 definition to be registered by using the ssosnmpv3setup command. Note that the specification of this item is valid only if 3 is specified as the SNMP version. |
When coding definitions in an SNMP definition file, note the following:
If the file includes multiple definitions that use the same combination of category name and IP address, the definition written first is assumed to be valid, and the definitions written subsequently are ignored.
If the definition file includes multiple definitions that define the same category name and the IP address (that might include wild cards) corresponding to a common IP address, the definition written first is valid for the common IP address. Therefore, if a definition specifying *.*.*.* or *:*:*:*:*:*:*:* for the IP address of the target agent is written as the top, the SNMP request following the definition will be issued to all agents.
If the definition file includes multiple category definitions for the same IP address, those definitions can be written in any order. For example, if an sso definition and an sso-ex definition are to be written for the same IP address, both definitions are always valid regardless of the order of writing.
If the category and target of the resource that issues the SNMP request are not defined, the definition of category name sso becomes valid.
If the process monitoring category process and monitoring target are not defined for issuing the SNMP request, the definition of category name sso becomes valid.
(3) Example
The following is an example of an SNMP definition file.
In this example, when you collect SSO-Ex resources for target, the definition of sso-ex:*.*.*.*:public:public:20:3:::: becomes valid. When you collect user resources for the same target, the definition of sso:*.*.*.*:public:public:8:2:161:: becomes valid.
If resources are to be collected from target, communication will be performed by using SNMPv3. If processes and services are to be monitored, the specification of get-community-name and set-community-name will be valid, and communication will be performed by using SNMPv1.