4.3.11 Initial value calculation setting window
The Initial value calculation setting window sets the conditions for extracting data for the initial value calculation of a statistical threshold value. The following figure shows the Initial value calculation setting window.
The items to be set are:
- Time zone ID
Assign the time zone ID to the period for extracting data for the initial value calculation. The specifiable range is 1 to 10. The default is 1.
- Data base selection
- Master data base
Select this radio button to select the master database.
- Collection data base name
Select this radio button to select the master database or a copy database.
If you want to specify a collection database, enter the file name only.
- File specification(full path)
Select this radio button to specify a collection database in a location other than the collection database storage directory.
Enter the full path name when you specify a file.
- Statistical period
Specify the time to start and end data extraction.
- Start
From the head
Extracts data from the top of the specified collection database.
Specification at date
Extracts data on or after the specified date and time in the specified collection database.
For the Date text box, specify the date and time when you want to start extracting data in the collection database.
Specify a date from January 1st, 1980 to December 31, 2099 in yyyy/mm/dd format. Specify the time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 in 00:00:00 format.
The Date text box is activated only when you select to specify the date and time.
- End
To the end
Extracts data to the end of the specified collection database.
Specification at date
Extracts data on or before the specified date in the specified collection database.
For the Date text box, specify the date and time when you want to stop extracting data in the collection database.
Specify a date from January 1st, 1980 to December 31, 2099 in yyyy/mm/dd format. Specify the time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 in 00:00:00 format.
If you specified the date and time to start data extraction, specify a date and time on or after the start date and time.
- Time zone setting
Displays the extraction time zone you specified in the Set Collection Time Zone window.
- Time zone setting
Opens the Set Collection Time Zone window. For details on the Set Collection Time Zone window, see 4.3.12 Set Collection Time Zone window.