2.6 NNMi cooperation functions
SSO provides the following four NNMi link functions:
Incident cooperation (event cooperation)
This function allows SSO to issue incidents to NNMi and to detect events sent from APM.
Incident cooperation (action cooperation)
This function allows the user to display an incident graph in the incident view of the NNMi console. After selecting the Action menu or right-clicking in the incident view, when the user selects an SSO action, the incident graph is displayed according to the selected action.
Map cooperation (symbol cooperation)
This function registers the statuses of resources, processes, and services monitored by SSO in NNMi as NNMi-specific statuses. This function allows the user to check the monitoring statuses of SSO in the NNMi map view.
Map cooperation (action cooperation)
This function allows the user to display a monitoring status or open a window by selecting an SSO action from the Action menu in the NNMi console window. By using this function, the user can check monitoring statuses or manipulate windows without logging in to the SSO console.
The following three conditions must be met before the NNMi cooperation functions can be used:
The monitoring manager# and monitoring server have been detected by NNMi (regardless of the mode in which they are managed by NNMi).
- #:
The monitoring manager needs to be detected only when the user uses map cooperation (action cooperation) by selecting the node symbol for the monitoring manager. Note that, when using SSO in a cluster system, the logical IP address of the monitoring manager needs to be detected.
The IP address of the monitoring server is managed by the IP address inventory of NNMi or the SNMP agent inventory.
The monitoring server is managed by NNMi when all of the following conditions are met:
The basic configuration (SSO and NNMi run on the same server) is used.
The process and service monitoring function is used.
The event notification method of APM is the SNMP trap method (rather than the TCP notification method).
If the IP addresses of the monitoring manager and another host are the same, and both IP addresses are registered in the NNMi IP address inventory, the following functions might not be able to operate correctly:
Map cooperation functions (action cooperation functions) used by selecting the node symbol for the monitoring manager
An issuance of an incident by using the ssodbcheck command
SSO periodically checks whether the monitoring server is detected by NNMi (whether cooperation is possible). For details, see 2.6.5 Checking whether NNMi cooperation is possible.
When the monitoring manager is running on Windows or Linux, and the language used for SSO operation is Chinese, the incident graph window and the monitoring status display window are displayed in Chinese. For details on the supported Chinese language environment, see I. Language Environment.