
JP1 Version 12 for Windows Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

4.2.5 Environment configuration required for collecting performance data

To collect performance data on the network environment required for running PFM - Agent for Platform, all network services, protocols, servers, and products must be installed before the Agent Collector service is started. Note that if the environment for the installed products is not configured, or if additionally installed services are not running, performance data will be collected, but data might not be obtained field values might be displayed as 0.

To collect performance data for specific records in PFM - Agent for Platform, the prerequisites shown in the following table need to be satisfied before the Agent Collector service is started. Note that the following table does not include services required for OS operation, such as Event Logs (service name: Eventlog).

The following table describes the prerequisites for collecting performance data.

Table 4‒2: Prerequisites for collecting performance data


Record name (record ID)

Field name (PFM - View name)



Application Process Detail (PD_APPD)

Monitoring Count (MONITORING_COUNT)

Windows Management Instrumentation (service name: WinMgmt) has started.

Monitoring Status (STATUS)

Application Process Interval



Application Process Overview



Application Service Overview



Application Summary

Extension (PD_APP2)

Application Exist (EXIST)

Application Status (STATUS)

Logical Disk Overview (PI_LOGD)

Page File Size Mbytes


Process End Detail (PD_PEND)


Processor Overview (PI_PCSR)


System Overview (PI)

System Type


Network services

Browser Overview (PI_BRSR)


Computer Browser (service name: Browser) has started.

WINS Server Overview (PI_WINS)


Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) has been installed, and subsequently added services have been started.

Server Work Queues Overview (PI_SVRQ)


Server (service name: LanmanServer) has started.

System Overview (PI)



Bytes Total/sec (BYTES_TOTAL_PER_SEC)


Context Blocks Queued/sec (CONTEXT_BLOCKS_QUEUED_PER_SEC)

Errors Access Permissions (ERRORS_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS)

Errors Granted Access (ERRORS_GRANTED_ACCESS)

Errors Logon (ERRORS_LOGON)

Errors System (ERRORS_SYSTEM)

File Directory Searches (FILE_DIRECTORY_SEARCHES)

Files Open (FILES_OPEN)

Files Opened Total (FILES_OPENED_TOTAL)

Logon Total (LOGON_TOTAL)

Logon/sec (LOGON_PER_SEC)

Pool Nonpaged Failures (POOL_NONPAGED_FAILURES)

Pool Nonpaged Peak (POOL_NONPAGED_PEAK)

Pool Paged Failures (POOL_PAGED_FAILURES)

Pool Paged Peak (POOL_PAGED_PEAK)

Server Pool Nonpaged Bytes (SERVER_POOL_NONPAGED_BYTES)

Server Pool Paged Bytes (SERVER_POOL_PAGED_BYTES)

Server Sessions (SERVER_SESSIONS)

Sessions Errored Out (SESSIONS_ERRORED_OUT)

Sessions Forced Off (SESSIONS_FORCED_OFF)

Sessions Logged Off (SESSIONS_LOGGED_OFF)

Sessions Timed Out (SESSIONS_TIMED_OUT)

Work Item Shortages (WORK_ITEM_SHORTAGES)

Active Directory

Active Directory Overview (PI_AD)

Cache % Hit

Active Directory is enabled, and the Active Directory database performance counter has been installed.

Cache Page Fault Stalls/sec

Cache Page Faults/sec

Cache Size

Log Record Stalls/sec

Log Threads Waiting

Log Writes/sec

Table Open Cache % Hit

Table Open Cache Hits/sec

Table Open Cache Misses/sec

Table Opens/sec

Anything other than the above

Active Directory is enabled.