10.1.1 Monitoring JP1/AJS3 by using JP1/ IM
This subsection describes how to use JP1/IM to monitor JP1/AJS3.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Monitoring using JP1 events
The JP1 events issued by JP1/AJS3 or other JP1 products are listed in the JP1/IM - View Event Console window. You can modify the display conditions for the Event Console window so that only the JP1 events you are interested in will appear in the list.
If a particular condition in JP1/AJS3 triggers a JP1 event, the event is passed through JP1/Base to JP1/IM - Manager and displayed in the JP1/IM - View Event Console window. You can select a listed JP1 event to display the JP1/AJS3 screen to identify the cause of the event.
For details about the events JP1/AJS3 issues, see A. JP1 Events Issued by JP1/AJS3 in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.
This example describes how JP1/IM is used to monitor messages, output to the Hitachi integrated trace log and syslog, about errors that occurred on the JP1/AJS3 manager host and agent host.
A description of the numbered steps in the figure, from detection of an error to troubleshooting, follows.
An event such as an error occurred in JP1/AJS3 and a message was output to a log, such as the Hitachi integrated trace log.
JP1/Base, which uses log trapping (for Error- and Warning-level messages) to monitor the Hitachi integrated trace log and syslog, detected the message, and registers a JP1 event in the event DB.
The registered JP1 event is forwarded to the manager host that runs JP1/IM.
The received JP1 event is registered in the event DB.
JP1/IM acquires the JP1 event from the event DB.
The acquired JP1 event is displayed in JP1/IM - View, which notifies the user that a failure occurred on an agent host.
If user action, such as re-executing a unit, is required, the user starts JP1/AJS3 - View or Web GUI.
- Important
When you use JP1/IM, a large number of JP1 events might be output from the JP1/AJS3 manager host and agent host. If an excessive number of JP1 events are output, for example, consider using the filtering of events from JP1/Base to JP1/IM to stop forwarding the JP1 events issued by JP1/AJS3 itself.
(2) Other features supported by JP1/IM
In addition to the features described above, JP1/IM supports the following features:
Calling the JP1/AJS3 - View or Web GUI
While you are monitoring JP1/AJS3 from the JP1/IM - View window, you can call JP1/AJS3 - View or Web GUI to redefine jobnets, or to check or temporarily change the execution schedule.
From Tool Launcher window of JP1/IM - View, you can display the JP1/AJS3 - View window.
By specifying a particular JP1 event and clicking the Monitor button in the Event Console window of JP1/IM - View, you can open a screen that displays the unit related to the specified JP1 event.
Either of the following screens is displayed:
- Jobnet Monitor window of JP1/AJS3 - View
- Monitor screen of Web GUI
In the Guide area in the Event Details window of JP1/IM - View, you can display a hyperlink for opening the Monitor screen of Web GUI. Clicking the hyperlink displays the Monitor dialog box for the unit related to an issued JP1 event.
Calling Web GUI from an email sent by an automated action
The URL of the Monitor screen of Web GUI can be included in an email that is sent by an automated action of JP1/IM. If you receive an email automatically sent when a failure occurred, you can use the URL to directly open the Monitor screen for the unit for which the failure occurred.
Monitoring events and files output by JP1/AJS3
JP1/AJS3 itself cannot monitor events and files it outputs. Therefore, use JP1/IM to monitor events and files output by JP1/AJS3 and execute jobs automatically.