
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

12.8.1 System design for linking with JP1/IM - Rule Operation

To link with JP1/IM - Rule Operation, the following setup is required on the JP1/IM side. For details about JP1/IM - Rule Operation, see the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Rule Operation System Configuration and User's Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings for JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage

The following settings are required for linking with JP1/IM - Rule Operation:

Settings for JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage (jcoimdef command)#
  • Enable or disable JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage (-rule option)

  • Specify the JP1/IM - Rule Operation host (-rulehost option)

  • Specify the execution user (-ruleuser option)

    #: Enabling the linkage function enables the notification condition settings to be exported from JP1/IM - View to JP1/IM - Rule Operation.

Condition for notifying JP1/IM - Rule Operation

Set in either of the following:

  • Action Parameter Detailed Definitions window

  • Automated action definition file (actdef.conf)

Display settings
  • Preferences window

  • Settings for View Filter window

  • Severe Event Definitions window

  • Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window

Registration in the Start menu of JP1/IM - View (rule operation viewer)
  • jcovrmsetup command

(2) Notes