
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

12.1.3 Estimating IM database capacity requirements

When using the integrated monitoring database and the IM Configuration Management database, estimate the amount of capacity required for the databases on the managers where JP1/IM - Manager is running. The following table lists the database sizes available for selection when you set up the system.

Table 12‒1: Database size models

Size model


Example of system scale



Small scale (S)

11 GB

Integrated monitoring database

9 GB

Total items of event information:

1,000,000 (approx.)#2

This number is based on the following assumptions:

  • Average event size: 1 KB#3

  • Number of events generated per day: 33,000

  • Storage period for event information: 30 days

IM Configuration Management database

1 GB

Maximum number of managed hosts:

1,024 hosts#4

Total number of business groups and monitoring groups:


System database area#1

1 GB


Medium scale (M)

36 GB

Integrated monitoring database

33 GB

Total items of event information:

4,000,000 (approx.)#2

This number is based on the following assumptions:

  • Average event size: 1 KB#3

  • Number of events generated per day: 130,000

  • Storage period for event information: 30 days

IM Configuration Management database

1 GB

Maximum number of managed hosts:

1,024 hosts#4

Total number of business groups and monitoring groups:


System database area#1

2 GB


Large scale (L)

114 GB

Integrated monitoring database

96 GB

Total items of event information:

12,000,000 (approx.)#2

This number is based on the following assumptions:

  • Average event size: 1 KB#3

  • Number of events generated per day: 400,000

  • Storage period for event information: 30 days

IM Configuration Management database

10 GB

Maximum number of managed hosts:

10,000 hosts#5

Total number of business groups and monitoring groups:


System database area#1

8 GB



--: Not applicable.


The size of the system database area is estimated from the amount of user data to be managed.


Total items of event information might exceed the maximum allowed value depending on the timing of erasing events.


Total items of event information decreases if the event size is larger than 1 kilobyte.


The maximum number of hosts that can be monitored by one IM Configuration Management is 10,000. The number of hosts that can be managed is limited by the system configuration and network traffic. For details about the limit values, see Appendix D. Limits.

When the number of hosts (including managers) monitored by IM Configuration Management exceeds 1,024, the size model of the IM database must be the large scale (L).


Considering the configuration of agents, the maximum number of hosts of JP1/IM - Manager and instances of JP1/Base that can be placed directly below JP1/IM - Manager is 2,500. The number of hosts that can be managed is limited by the system configuration and network traffic. For details about the limit values, see Appendix D. Limits.

In a cluster system, ensure that sufficient disk space is available on the shared disk and local disk, as specified in the table below.

Table 12‒2: Additional disk space requirements in a cluster system

Size model

Total space required

Space required on shared disk

Space required on local disk

System database area

Integrated monitoring database area

IM Configuration Management database area

System database area

Small scale (S)

11 GB

0.95 GB

9 GB

1 GB

0.05 GB

Medium scale (M)

36 GB

1.9 GB

33 GB

1 GB

0.1 GB

Large scale (L)

114 GB

7.4 GB

96 GB

10 GB

0.6 GB

We recommend that you set a database size that provides sufficient leeway should the number of generated events suddenly increase during system operation.

When the integrated management database reaches its maximum capacity, JP1 events are deleted from the earlier events. The maximum number of JP1 events that can be deleted at one time is 20,000 regardless of the database size (this value might be smaller than 20,000 depending on the size of the stored JP1 events).