
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.3 List of functions

The following figure shows the functions of component programs used for system operation monitoring by JP1/IM - Manager.

Figure 2‒8: Functions provided by the component products


JP1/IM - Manager is linked with the prerequisite product JP1/Base, and operates using the core functionality provided by JP1/Base. JP1/Base also runs on the agents in the JP1/IM - Manager system. JP1/IM - Manager thus has an inseparable relationship with JP1/Base.

The functions in the figure above are summarized below.

Table 2‒3: Summary of product functions



Service name

Central Console

Centralized monitoring using JP1 events

  • Monitors JP1 events.

  • Central Console viewer

JP1 event management

  • Controls the display of JP1 events in the Central Console viewer.

  • Event console service

  • Manages the integrated monitoring database.

  • IM database service

  • Acquires JP1 event information from the JP1/Base event service.

  • Distributes acquired JP1 event information to the JP1/IM - Manager controls (event console service, automatic action service, and central scope service).

  • Event base service

  • Controls JP1 events.

  • Manages the event database.

  • JP1/Base

JP1 event filtering

  • Filters JP1 events to select those required.

  • Central Console viewer

  • Event console service

  • Event base service

  • Event issue service

  • JP1/Base

Automated actions

  • Executes a command automatically, conditional on a specific event being detected by the event base service.

  • Automatic action service

Issue of correlation events

  • Correlates JP1 events acquired from the JP1/Base event service and registers them as correlation events with JP1/Base.

  • Event issue service (when not using the integrated monitoring database)

  • Event base service (when using the integrated monitoring database)

Event conversion

  • Extracts information from log files and converts it into JP1 events (log file trapping)

  • Extracts information from the Windows event log and converts it into JP1 events (event log trap conversion)

  • Extracts information from SNMP traps managed by HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier and converts it into JP1 events (SNMP trap conversion).

  • JP1/Base

Display of user-defined event attributes

  • Issues JP1 events from a user application by calling a JP1/Base function.

Event guide function

  • Displays information about pre-registered response methods and procedures.

  • Central Console viewer

CSV output of information displayed in JP1/IM - View

  • Outputs JP1 event information displayed in JP1/IM - View in CSV form.

System operation

  • Launches a linked application.

  • Launches an associated application from the Tool Launcher.

  • Executes a command from JP1/IM - View.

Central Scope

Tree monitoring

  • Centrally monitors objects in a tree view.

  • Automatically creates a monitoring window.

  • Central Scope viewer

  • Central Scope service

Visual monitoring

  • Centrally monitors objects in a map view.

Guide function

  • Displays information about pre-registered response methods and procedures.

IM Configuration Management#1

Host management

  • Centrally manages the hosts in the JP1/IM system from the manager.

  • IM Configuration Management - View

  • IM Configuration Management service

  • IM database service

System hierarchy management

  • Centrally manages the hierarchical structure of the system from the manager. An agent configuration (where JP1/Base is running on agent hosts and the manager host) and a remote monitoring configuration (where remotely connected hosts are monitored) are managed.

Management of virtualization configuration information

  • Manages the hierarchical structure of the system, including virtual hosts.

Business group management

  • Monitors multiple monitored hosts by creating a group based on the system used for a particular business operation, or based on which monitored objects are managed by a particular system administrator.

Profile management

  • Enables you to centrally manage, from the manager, the JP1/Base profiles running on each host or the profiles on the remotely monitored hosts.

Management of service activity information

  • Checks whether JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base services are active on each host.

Import/export of IM Configuration Management information

  • Exports and imports IM Configuration Management information.

Core functionality

Process management

  • Manages JP1/IM - Manager and its functions.

  • Process management

Health check

  • Monitors the status of JP1/IM - Manager processes (other than the central scope service and IM configuration management service on the local host).

  • Monitors the status of JP1/Base processes.

  • Health check

  • JP1/Base

Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2)

  • Stores trace information from JP1/Base, JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View, and other component products.

  • HNTRLib2

User management

  • Manages JP1 users.

  • Manages command execution permissions.

  • JP1/Base

Configuration management#2

  • Manages the configuration of the JP1/IM - Manager system.

Service startup control

  • Controls the service start/stop sequencing of products (including JP1/Base) registered with the Windows service.#3

Command execution#2

  • Control command execution.

  • Manages command execution log files (manager only).

Definition collection and distribution#2

  • Collects and distributes definition information related to the JP1/IM - Manager event service.

#1: Available when the IM Configuration Management database has been set up.

#2: JP1/Base function.

#3: Windows-only function.