
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.2.2 Functionality for error detection

The following figure shows the functionality for detecting errors.

Figure 2‒4: Functionality for error detection


The components used for detecting problems in the system are the Central Console, Central Scope, and the core functionality.

On the Central Console, you can set up automated actions and correlation events in advance to detect errors in the system. An automated action is triggered when a particular event is received and automatically executes a command defined by the user. A correlation event is triggered when multiple correlated events are received and a JP1 event defined by the user is issued. You can use these mechanisms to notify the system administrator of problems by sending emails or issuing notification events.

The Central Scope provides tree monitoring and visual monitoring. A JP1 event can be issued from the Central Scope whenever the status of a monitoring node changes, and an automated action can be executed through the Central Console in response to an issued JP1 event. Severe events can be reported by using alarms, and the impact of any errors can be visually represented by changing the icons in the monitoring tree to error status.

The health check provided by the core functionality issues a message or JP1 event whenever an error occurs in a JP1/IM - Manager process. It can also issue a message or JP1 event when an error occurs in a JP1/Base process on the local host or remote host.