
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

1.5.1 Component products of a JP1/IM - Manager system

A JP1/IM - Manager system consists of a manager (which performs integrated management of the system), agents (which run on the monitored servers), remotely monitored hosts, and a viewer (which is used for performing monitoring and operations). Note that remotely monitored hosts can be placed only under the integrated manager or base managers in a tree.

A JP1/IM - Manager system requires the following products, depending on the functionality to be used and the host's role in the system:

The viewer program can be used on both manager hosts and agent hosts.

A JP1/IM - Manager system consists of the following component products.

Table 1‒3: Component products of a JP1/IM - Manager system

Product name

Product overview

JP1/IM - Manager

Provides the following manager functionality

  • Central Console

  • Central Scope

  • IM Configuration Management

JP1/IM - View

Broadly classified, JP1/IM - View provides four main windows:#

  • Central Console viewer (for Central Console operations)

  • Central Scope viewer (for Central Scope operations)

  • IM configuration management viewer (for IM Configuration Management operations)

  • Rule operation viewer (for rule management operations)

JP1/IM - Manager performs system monitoring and operation using the Central Console viewer and Central Scope viewer.


Provides the agent functionality.

JP1/Base operates as a monitored server and provides the JP1 core functionality, such as JP1 event management and JP1 user management. JP1/Base is a prerequisite product of JP1/IM - Manager.

#: This manual describes the Central Console viewer, Central Scope viewer, and IM configuration management viewer only.

For details about the rule operation viewer, see the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Rule Operation System Configuration and User's Guide.