
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

1.4.1 System monitoring

Organization of this subsection

(1) System monitoring using the Central Console

Using the Central Console, you can monitor the events occurring in the system in the Event Console window. You do not need to constantly monitor the Event Console window if you have set up automated actions to notify the system administrator when an error occurs.

Figure 1‒16: System monitoring from the Central Console


(2) System monitoring using the Central Scope

Using the Central Scope, you can monitor the system in the Monitoring Tree window and Visual Monitoring window. You do not need to constantly monitor these windows if you have set up automated actions to notify the system administrator when an error occurs.

Figure 1‒17: System monitoring using the Central Scope


In the Monitoring Tree window, you can configure the monitoring tree according to your objectives. In the Visual Monitoring window, you can place essential monitoring points on a map or organizational chart, and monitor the system in an intuitive manner matched to your purpose.