
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

G.1 Collecting system information from agents for UNIX and agents for Mac

This section describes how to collect and check system information from agents for UNIX and agents for Mac.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Collecting system information

To collect system information, execute a Get system information from computer (UNIX) job from Remote Install Manager. The following explains the system information collection procedure, focusing on screen transitions.

To collect system information:

  1. In the Job Definition window, select File and then Create Job.

    The Define New Job dialog box appears.

  2. In the job type selection list, select Get system information from computer (UNIX) and then click the OK button.

    The Create Job dialog box appears.

  3. On the Acquisition Target page, select an applicable option for system information to be collected.

    For details about how to set up the Acquisition Target page, see G.1(2) Setting up the Acquisition Target page. The types and setting details of other pages in the dialog box are as follows:

    Job page

    Specifies the job name. For details about how to set up the Job page, see 10.2.3 Setting up the Job page.

    Destination page

    Specifies the hosts from which system information is to be collected. You must specify at least one host. For details about how to set up the Destination page, see 10.2.4 Setting up the Destination page.

    Schedule page

    Specifies the dates and times of jobs to be executed on the managing server and managed computer. For details about how to set up the Schedule page, see 10.2.5 Setting up the Schedule page.

    Client Control page

    Specifies whether to use the Client Control function. For details about how to set up the Client Control page, see 10.2.6 Setting up the Client Control page.

  4. On the Job page, click the Execute, Save, or Save and Execute button to perform the corresponding action for the job.

    The job is saved, executed, or both.

    If you save a job, you can re-execute the job when it fails, or you can edit the job to create a new job. We recommend that you save jobs after creating them by clicking the Save or Save and Execute button.

  5. Check the job status.

    From the File menu of Remote Install Manager, select New and then Job Status to display the Job Status window.

    You can use the Collect_Device_Inventory folder to check the execution statuses of jobs related to system information collection. If you select a job that you executed, the corresponding execution status is displayed in the right pane.

  6. After the job has been completed, check the system information that you received.

    Use the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 device window to check the system information that you received. For details about how to check system information, see G.1(4) Checking received system information.

(2) Setting up the Acquisition Target page

The Acquisition Target page is used to select an option for the system information to be collected from UNIX or Mac computers.

If you want to reduce network traffic during job executions, select Acquire only items modified after the last time that system information was acquired.

Figure G‒1: Acquisition Target page


Acquire all items

Select this option if you want to receive all system information items. You must select this option the first time you perform this task.

Acquire only items modified after the last time that system information was acquired

Select this option if you want to receive only the system information items that have been changed since the last time system information was acquired.

(3) Notes on receiving system information

Note the following when executing a Get system information from computer (UNIX) job:

(4) Checking received system information

You can use the System Details tab and the Hardware Details tab of the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 device window to check the system information that you received. To check system information:

  1. In the Device List tab of the device window, select the host whose system information is to be displayed.

  2. Select the System Details tab and the Hardware Details tab at the bottom of the window.

    System information appears.

The items to be updated when system information is received depend on the settings of the Acquisition Target page that you specify when creating a job, as below.

If Acquire all items is selected:

All existing information is deleted, and the system information reported from the agent is displayed.

If Acquire only items modified after the last time that system information was acquired is selected:

Only the system information modified since the last time system information was acquired is reported from the agent and reflected in the system information.

Information items that an agent is unable to collect are not reported to the managing server. In this case, these items are not displayed when system information is updated.