
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

E.1 Registering tools in the Start Tools menu

Before you can start a tool from the Remote Install Manager menu, you must register the tool in the Tool Registration dialog box. In this dialog box, you can also change the parameters of a registered tool and delete registered tools from the menu.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Registering a tool

To register a tool in the Start Tools menu:

  1. From the Option menu in the System Configuration or Destination window, select Start Tools and then Register Tool.

    The Tool Registration dialog box appears.

    You can also use the following methods to display the Tool Registration dialog box:

    • Right-click a host in the System Configuration or Destination window, and from the context menu select Start Tools and then Register Tool.

    • Right-click a host in the Find dialog box, and from the context menu select Start Tools and then Register Tool.

      Figure E‒1: Tool Registration dialog box


  2. Set the items in the dialog box.

    Each item is described below.

    Menu name (required)

    Specify the menu name that you want to appear in the Start Tools menu, using no more than 255 single-byte characters (or 127 double-byte characters). Each name must be unique. Each name must be unique.

    You can specify a shortcut key for the menu name you are registering by using the menu-name(&X) format. Specify (&X) in single-byte characters. The character specified for X becomes the shortcut key. For example, to register the menu name Connection Checking Tool with R as the shortcut key, specify Connection Checking Tool(&R).

    Path name of the tool (required)

    Specify the full path of the tool you want to register, using no more than 260 single-byte characters (or 130 double-byte characters). You can enter the full path by clicking the Browse button and navigating to the location of the tool on the drive. In this field, you can also specify a host on the network or the reserved words shown in Table E-1.

    In the Path name of the tool field, specify an executable file, such as an .exe file, .bat file, or .cmd file. You cannot start a tool if you specify a .txt file or similar in this field. If you specify a nonexistent or inaccessible file, an error occurs when you attempt to start the tool.


    Specify the value to be passed as the argument during tool startup, using no more than 260 single-byte characters (or 130 double-byte characters). You can pass the system configuration information of the host selected in Remote Install Manager as arguments by specifying reserved words. For details about how to specify reserved words, see E.1(2) Specifying reserved words.

  3. Click Registration.

    The tool is added to Menu list with the content you specified. You can register a maximum of 10 tools.

  4. Click OK.

    The Tool Registration dialog box closes and the tools displayed in the Menu list area are registered in the Start tools menu. If you click Cancel, the tools are not registered.

(2) Specifying reserved words

To specify a reserved word, you can:

The following table lists the system configuration information that can be passed as arguments, and the corresponding reserved words.

Table E‒1: System configuration information and corresponding reserved words

System configuration information

Reserved word

Format of information passed to tool

Operation Key


When using host names:


When using IP addresses:


Host Name



IP Address



Host ID



MAC Address






Host Type


For a relay system:


For a managed computer:


Update Date & Time



Creation Date & Time






#: An exclamation mark (!) is used as the delimiter for routes in system configuration information. However, \ is used as the delimiter when the route is passed to a tool. For a host at the top of the route, only \ is passed to the tool.

  • When entering reserved words directly, you must use uppercase letters. For example, $(name) is not recognized as a reserved word.

  • If the system configuration information contains no value, no value replaces the specified reserved word.

The following example passes a host name, host ID, and MAC address as arguments to a tool:

/n $(NAME) /id $(HOSTID) /mac $(MACADDRESS)

When you specify arguments in this way, the tool is executed as follows:


(3) Changing parameters of registered tools

The following describes how to change the menu name, path name, and argument of a tool registered in the Start Tools menu. Note that you cannot change the parameters of multiple tools at the same time.

  1. In the Menu list area in the Tool Registration dialog box, select the menu item whose parameters you want to change.

    The information registered in Menu name, Path name of the tool, and Argument appear.

  2. Change the parameters.

  3. Click Registration.

    The changes take effect in the Menu list area.

  4. Click OK.

    The Tool Registration dialog box closes and the contents of the Menu list area are applied to the Start Tools menu. If you click Cancel, the change are not applied to the Start Tools menu.

(4) Deleting a registered tool

The following describes how to delete a tool registered in the Start Tools menu. You can also select multiple tools and delete them as a batch.

  1. In the Menu list area in the Tool Registration dialog box, select the tool or tools you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete.

    The selected tool or tools are deleted from the Menu list area.

  3. Click OK.

    The Tool Registration dialog box closes and the contents of the Menu list area are applied to the Start Tools menu. If you click Cancel, the tools are not deleted.