
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide


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Displays the dialog box containing an entered message.


bool AIT_StatusBox(
  string    strMessage,        // Message character string
  [[[[,integer nXCord]         // X coordinate
  [,integer    nYCord]         // Y coordinate
  [,integer    nWidth]         // Message box width
  [,integer    nHeight]]       // Message box height
  [,bool       bIsTop]         // Most front message box
  [,bool       bIsMovable]]    // Movable message box
  [,string     strFontName]]   // Message font name
  [,integer    nFontSize]      // Message font size
  [,integer    nFontWeight]    // Message font width


strMessage (input)

Specify a message character string you want to display in the dialog box.

nXCord (input, optional)

Specify the X coordinate of the top left corner of the dialog box. If you specify -1, the dialog box is displayed at the center of the X axis.

nYCord (input, optional)

Specify the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the dialog box. If you specify -1, the dialog box is displayed at the center of the Y axis.

If you omit nXCord and nYCord, the dialog box will be positioned at the center.

nWidth (input, optional)

Specify the width of the dialog box.

nHeight (input, optional)

Specify the height of the dialog box.

If you have omitted nWidth and nHeight, the dialog box size becomes equal to the strMessage size.

bIsTop (input, optional)

If you set true, the dialog box will always be positioned on the most front. If you set false, it will be displayed on the front at first. If you move or create another window, however, the dialog box will be moved behind it. For arbitrary operation, set false.

Note that an operation on another window may move the focus from the dialog box even when true is set. If the dialog box is displayed beneath another window, you can re-execute this API function to display the dialog box on the front again.

When specifying this parameter, you must also specify nXCord, nYCord, nWidth, and nHeight.

bIsMovable (input, optional)

With true set, you can move the dialog box. With false set, you cannot move the dialog box.

When specifying this parameter, you must also specify nXCord, nYCord, nWidth, and nHeight.

strFontName (input, optional)

Specify a character string describing a message display font. The usable fonts may vary with systems.

For arbitrary operation, specify "". In this case, the default font is determined by the system.

When specifying this parameter, you must also specify nXCord, nYCord, nWidth, nHeight, bIsTop, and bIsMovable.

nFontSize (input, optional)

Specify the message font size using an integer in units of points.

For arbitrary operation, set 0. In this case, the default font size is determined by the system.

nFontWeight (input, optional)

Specify the message font size by using an integer. The range of valid values is from 0 to 900. As the value increases, the font becomes thicker.

For arbitrary operation, set 0. In this case, the default font thickness is determined by the system.

Return values

The return value is true if the function was executed normally, and false if not. If the function has returned false, you can use AIT_GetLastError to acquire an extended error code. The following gives the error code that AIT_GetLastError might return:

Extended error code

Error code




The parameter you can omit according to the above description is not independent. You have to set the default of the preceding omissible parameter. For example, when specifying only nXCord and nYCord, you can omit the subsequent omissible parameters. When specifying only nFontSize and nFontWeight, however, you cannot omit the subsequent omissible parameters, and you have to set the preceding omissible parameters at defaults.