
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide


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This API function returns a character string of specified length from a character string.


bool AIT_GetSubStr (
  string  strSubString,      // Extracted character string
  string  strStrName,        // Character string
  integer nStartPos          // Character position at which to start extraction
  [,integer nLength]         // Number of characters


strSubString (output)

Specify a variable to receive an extracted character string. When the function returns, the variable stores the character string.

strStrName (input)

Specify a character string name.

nStartPos (input)

Specify a character position at which to start extraction. The default is 0, corresponding to the first character of a character string.

nLength (input, optional)

Specify the number of characters you want to extract. So long as this parameter does not exceed the number of characters in a character string, the character string with a character count set from nStartPos is extracted. The default is the length to the end string character.

Return values

The return value is true if the function was executed normally, and false if not. If the function has returned false, you can use AIT_GetLastError to acquire an extended error code. The following gives the error code that AIT_GetLastError might return:

Extended error number

Error code