
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide


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Finds a specified character string from the position specified in nStartPos, and returns the first matching character string position.


integer AIT_FindSubStr  (
  string strStrName,         // Character string
  string strSearchStr        // Character string to be found
  [,integer nStartPos]       // Character position at which to start finding


strStrName (input)

Specify a character string.

strSearchStr (input)

Specify a character string to be found.

nStartPos (input, optional)

Specify the position at which to start finding a character string. The default nStartPos value is 0, which corresponds to the first character of a character string. By default, this operation starts at the first character.

Return values

This API function returns the 0-based index for the first character of the target character string. This API function returns -1 if no character string exists or the null character string is specified.

You can use AIT_GetLastError to acquire an extended error code. The following gives the error code that AIT_GetLastError might return:

Extended error number

Error code