
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide


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Checks whether the specified resolution matches the resolution of the current screen.


integer AIT_CheckResolution  (
  integer nWidth,     // Width of a screen to be checked
  integer nHeight     // Height of a screen to be checked


nWidth (input)

Specify the width (in units of pixels) you want to check against the width of the primary display monitor screen.

nHeight (input)

Specify the height (in units of pixels) you want to check against the height of the primary display monitor screen.

Return values

This API function returns 1 if the specified resolution matches the current resolution. Otherwise, this API function returns 0. This API function returns -1 if the function fails. In this case, you can use AIT_GetLastError to acquire an extended error code. The following gives the error code that AIT_GetLastError might return:

Extended error number

Error code