
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

18.6.1 goto

The goto statement provides an unconditional jump to a valid label position declared in the same section.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Jump statement
Label statement
Jump statement
goto identifier;
Label statement

(2) Description

The goto statement is used to exit deeply nested loops directly. Unlike this statement, the break statement can exit only one nesting level of repetitive statements.

(3) Example of coding

//MAIN section
   AIT_LogMessage("LBL030: JUMP TO LABEL");
   goto label1;
       AIT_LogMessage("LBL030: NOT DISPLAYED 1");       // Not executed
       label1:                        // The control shifts here.
          AIT_LogMessage("LBL030: JUMPING TO LABEL ");  // Executed

(4) Notes

For better programming, you should use the break, continue, or return statement rather than the goto statement wherever possible.