
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

18.4.10 Priority of operators

The priority and linking order of operators affect operand grouping and evaluation for expressions. The priority of operators is meaningful only when there are operators with different priorities in the same expression. If the expression contains a higher-priority operator, the operator is evaluated first. If operators have the same priority, the order in which to evaluate them depends on their linking order.

The following table shows the priority and linking order of the operators. The following arrangement shows the operators in descending priority order.




( )


From the left to the right

+ - !

Unary operators

From the right to the left

* / %

Multiplying operators

From the left to the right

+ -

Adding operators

From the left to the right

< > <= >=

Comparison operators

From the left to the right

== !=


From the left to the right


Bitwise AND

From the left to the right


Bitwise OR

From the left to the right


Logical AND

From the left to the right


Logical OR

From the left to the right



From the left to the right