
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

11.2.1 Printable items

Printable information differs for each window. This section explains what information can be printed according to the window.

The following table shows the information that can be printed in the System Configuration window.

Table 11‒3: Information that can be printed in the System Configuration window

Print item

Print information

Lower Hosts

Key, Host name, IP address, Host ID, Type, and Lower host name


Key, Host name, IP address, Host ID, MAC address, Type, Route, Holding report, Suspend file transfer, Comment, Creation date/time, and Update date/time

Installed Package Information

Key, Host name, IP address, Host ID, Package name, Package ID, Installation, New version, New generation, Previous version, Previous generation, and Installation or search date/time#


For software distributed by JP1/IT Desktop Manager 2, this item outputs the date and time of installation completion. For software detected on agents for UNIX or agents for Mac, this item outputs the date and time when information was collected by a Get software information from computer (UNIX) job.

The following table shows the information that can be printed in the Destination window.

Table 11‒4: Information that can be printed in the Destination window

Print item

Print information

Lower Hosts

Host group/ID group/key, Host name, IP address, Host ID, Type, and Lower host group/host name


Host group/ID group/key, Host name, IP address, Host ID, MAC address, Type, Route, Member of, Comment, Holding report, Suspend file transfer, Creation date/time, and Update date/time

Installed Package Information

Host group/ID group/key, Host name, IP address, Host ID, Package name, Package ID, Installation, New version, New generation, Previous version, Previous generation, and Installation or search date/time#

ID-management Relay Computer

ID group name and ID-management relay computer name


For software distributed by JP1/IT Desktop Manager 2, this item outputs the date and time of installation completion. For software detected on agents for UNIX or agents for Mac, this item outputs the date and time when information was collected by a Get software information from computer (UNIX) job.

The following table shows the information that can be printed in the Package window.

Table 11‒5: Information that can be printed in the Package window

Print item

Print information

Package List

Cabinet name, Cabinet ID, Package name, Package ID, Version, and Generation

Attributes (cabinet name)

Cabinet name/package name, Cabinet ID, and Number of packages in cabinet

Attributes (package name)

Package ID, Cabinet name, Version, Generation, Package size, Transfer package size, Packaging date, Expiration date, Package type, Installation mode, Package compression, Backup/restore, Restart specification, Display processing message, and AIT file

The following table shows the information that can be printed in the Job Status window.

Table 11‒6: Information that can be printed in the Job Status window

Print item

Print information


Folder/job/host name

Attributes (folder name)

Lower folder/job name

Attributes (job/ID group name)

Job type, Finished/Errors/Total, Status, Execution date/time, Scheduled date/time, and Execution time limit

Attributes (host name)

Finished/Errors/Total and Status

Attributes (package name)

Status, Result, Selected destination, Scheduled date/time, Execution time limit, Execution date/time, and Scheduled installation date/time


Job name, Destination name, Details#, and Value


Print contents differ according to each job type. The following table shows the contents of the Details item according to the job type.

Table 11‒7: Contents of the Details item for each job type

Job type

Contents of the Details item

  • Install package

  • Transfer package to relay computer

  • Send package, allow client users to choose

Job type, Package name, Package ID, Package version / revision, Generation, Execution date/time, Result, and Status

  • Batch delete packages on relay computer

  • Acquire collected files from relay computer

  • Delete collected files from relay computer

  • Get system configuration information

  • Get system information from computer (UNIX)

  • Get software information from computer (UNIX)

  • Hold report

  • Cancel holding of report

  • Suspend file transfer

  • Resume file transfer

Job type, Execution date/time, Result, and Status

Collect files from agent

Job type, Collection target directory, Collection target file name, Execution date/time, Result, and Status

Remote-collect files from agent to relay computer

Job type, Collection target file name, Execution date/time, Result, and Status