
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

11.1.3 Specifying the output range for CSV files

The output range for CSV files can be specified using the CSV File Output dialog box. This section explains how to specify the output range using the CSV File Output dialog box.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Select the template

In this dialog box, select a template to be output (CSV format).

(2) Select the data

In this dialog box, specify the items to be output to the columns of the CSV file. This dialog box appears when the Host attributes, Installed package information, or Job status template is selected.

(3) Specify output constraints

In this dialog box, specify the output conditions for information to be output to the rows of the CSV file. This dialog box appears when the Installed package information or Job status template is selected.

Figure 11‒1: CSV File Output - Specify output constraints dialog box


Before setting values for an item, select the check box to the left of the item. Based on the specified conditions, information about each package is individually output to the Installed package information template, and information about each job is individually output to the Job status template.

Data item

You can specify a maximum of three items to be compared.


Select the comparison condition.


Specify the value to be used for the comparison condition. Note the following rules when entering a value:

  • When specifying multiple values, separate each value by using a comma (,). (Example: value 1, value 2, value 3, value 4)

  • When specifying a value range, separate the values by using a greater-than symbol (>). (Example: value 1 > value 2)

  • You can use the * and ? symbols as wildcards. * indicates multiple characters, and ? indicates a single character.

Enter a value (in the date format) in the Value column for the following items:

Installed package information template

Installation date/time

Job status template
  • Execution date/time at the server

  • Scheduled execution date/time at the server

  • Execution time limit at the server

  • Scheduled registration date/time at the server

  • Job execution date/time by destination

The date format is YYYYMMDDhhmm (numerical). You must at least specify YYYY. The minimum (default) values for MMDDhhmm are set, if they are not manually set. Enter 0 in front of any single-digit value. (An error will result if only a single-digit value is entered.)

Examples of specifying date and time are as follows:


An error occurs.


January 1, 2014 at 00:00


An error occurs.


October 10, 2014 at 00:00


January 1, 2014 at 01:01


December 31, 2014 at 23:59

For the date/time specifications, you cannot specify the following comparison conditions: equals, not, is included in, using wild cards, is not among, and without wild cards


When specifying multiple conditions, select either AND or OR. The meaning of each value is as follows:

  • AND

    Outputs information when both (or all) of the specified conditions are met.

  • OR

    Outputs information when either (or one) of the specified conditions is met.

If you specify multiple conditions, select the check box on the second row (or the check boxes on the second and third rows).


If you change a value in the Date item or Comparison column, this box displays information pertaining to the change.

(4) Set the range of hosts to be output

If you want to output CSV files to only the hosts that belong to a particular host group, ID, or system configuration, specify settings in this dialog box. To output CSV files to all hosts, do not specify settings in this dialog box. This dialog box appears only when the Host attributes or Installed package information template is selected.

Figure 11‒2: CSV File Output - Set output range of the host dialog box


Select the range by

For the output target, select Host group, ID, or System configuration. The default is Host group.

Directly Specify

Clicking this button displays the Type Output Host Range dialog box.

Figure 11‒3: Type Output Host Range dialog box


You can specify the hosts to which to output a CSV file by using a path where each level under the root is delimited by \. Specify the path by using the names displayed by the Remote Install Manager.

Note that restrictions on path specification vary according to the output target, as follows:

When Host group is selected as the output target

  • You cannot use the following single-byte symbols:

    / * " ' : ! | . < > ? @ %

  • Use the \ symbol only to separate each path component.

  • Specify no more than six levels.

  • You cannot begin a path with a comma (,).

When ID is selected as the output target

  • You cannot use the following single-byte symbols:

    / * " ' : ! | . < > ? @ %

  • Use the \ symbol only to separate each path component.

  • You cannot begin a path with a comma (,).

When System configuration is selected as the output target

  • You cannot use the following single-byte symbols and space characters:

    ! " $ % & ' ( ) = ~ | ^ [ ] { } : ; + * _ / ? > < , @ ` "

  • Use the \ symbol only to separate each path component.

  • Specify no more than six levels.

  • Do not begin a path with a comma (,).


Clicking this button displays the Select Output Host Range dialog box.

Figure 11‒4: Select Output Host Range dialog box


Select the desired host, and then click the Add button.


Clicking this button deletes the selected path.

(5) Specify the output file

In this dialog box, specify the file name for the output destination.