
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

10.6.1 Customizing the Define New Job dialog box

To customize the order of the job types displayed in the Define New Job dialog box:

  1. Select Edit and then Customize in the Job Definition window.

    The Customize Job Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Select Define New Job dialog box.

    A dialog box named Customize the Define New Job Dialog Box appears.

    Figure 10‒40: Customize the Define New Job Dialog Box dialog box


    The right pane shows the job types to be displayed in the Define New Job dialog box. By default, all the job types are displayed. The left pane shows the job types to be hidden in the Define New Job dialog box.

    Selecting a job type in the left pane and clicking the > button adds the selected job type. Selecting a job type in the right pane and clicking the < button removes the selected job type and moves them to the Optional job types pane. If you want to remove all the job types from the Current job types pane, click the << button.

    Use the up-arrow button to move the Current job types list upward. Use the down-arrow button to move the Current job types list downward.

  3. Specify the order of the job types, and click the OK button.

    The settings are saved, and the Customize the Define New Job Dialog Box dialog box closes.