
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

9.1.1 Executing remote collection

Execute remote collection from the Remote Install Manager. To start the Remote Install Manager, from the Windows Start menu, select JP1_IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, and then Remote Install Manager.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Creating and executing a job

The procedure for creating a remote collection job is described below. For details about operations and settings, see 10.2 Creating a job.

  1. In the System Configuration window or the Destination window, select Execute, and then Execute Job. Alternatively, in the Job Definition window, select File, and then Create Job.

    The Define New Job dialog box appears.

  2. In the Define New Job dialog box, specify the job type, and then click the OK button.

    Jobs that can be specified for remote collection are as follows:

    - Collect files from agent

    - Remote-collect files from agent to relay computer

    - Send package, allow client users to choose

  3. In the Create Job dialog box, set the items on each panel.

    The panels displayed in the dialog box and the settings on each panel are shown below. Note that the Job page, Destination page, and Schedule page are common to all jobs, but the Collect File page is only displayed when a job relating to remote collection is created.

    Job page

    Specify the desired job name.

    For details about how to set up the Job page, see 10.2.3 Setting up the Job page.

    Destination page

    Specify the target system on which remote collection is to be performed. You must specify at least one system.

    In a multi-server configuration, you can also specify a destination across relay systems and management relay servers.

    For details about how to set up the Destination page, see 10.2.4 Setting up the Destination page.

    Collect File page

    Specify the software information to be collected by remote collection.

    For details about how to set up the Collect File page, see 9.1.1(2) Setting up the Collect File page.

    Schedule page

    Specify the registration date/time, execution date/time, and execution time limit for the job.

    For details about how to set up the Schedule page, see 10.2.5 Setting up the Schedule page.

  4. Save or execute the job by clicking the Execute, Save, or Save and Execute button.

    The job is saved or executed depending on the button you click.


If you execute Acquire collected files from relay computer job while executing Remote-collect files from agent to relay computer job, the following messages may be output. Even so, the process is properly operated and no action is required to be taken.

  • Source: JP1ITDM2 (DMC)

    Type: Error

    Event ID: 0

  • Source: JP1ITDM2 (DMC)

    Type: Error

    Event ID: 1002

  • Source: JP1ITDM2 (DMC)

    Type: Error

    Event ID: 8039

  • Source: JP1ITDM2 (DMC)

    Type: Error

    Event ID: 8006

(2) Setting up the Collect File page

To create a remote collection job, use the Collect File page of the Create Job dialog box to specify the files to be collected and the directory where the collected files are to be stored. In the Target file section, you can specify individual files or directories. If you specify a directory in the Target file section, all the files in the specified directory are collected and saved as a single archive file. This archive file is assigned a file name with file extension dmz.

Figure 9‒1: Collect File page


Target file

This section displays the files or directories that have been specified as the target for remote collection. A maximum of 100 files or directories can be specified as the target for remote collection.

If multiple directories of the same name are located on different drives, and are specified as the target for remote collection, make sure these directories do not contain any files of the same name. Any such files are overwritten when they are collected by remote collection.

Directory for saving collected files

Specify which directory to store the files to be collected by remote collection. In the specified directory, the files are collected by remote collection, using the following name format:

<Destination host name or IP address (based on a node identification key)>-<host ID>\<archive file name>

In the Collect File page, you can perform the following operations:

(a) Adding target files

If you click the Add button on the Collect File page, the Specify Target File dialog box appears. In this dialog box, specify the target files or directories to be added.

Figure 9‒2: Specify Target File dialog box


In the File name by full path field, specify the path to the file or directory to be added as the target for remote collection. Note that the job generates an error if you specify \ at the end of the path name for a file or directory to be added. The path name must be no more than 256 single-byte characters for Windows computers or no more than 63 single-byte characters for UNIX computers. If the full path to the file exceeds 259 single-byte characters at the time of file restoration, the file cannot be restored.

(b) Deleting target files

Select the file or path to be deleted from the Target file box, and then click the Delete button.

(c) Specifying remote collection options

If you click the Details button on the Collect File page, the Detailed Options For Remote Collection dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can specify remote collection options such as collection timing, whether to compress the files at the time of collection, and the external programs to be started.

Figure 9‒3: Detailed Options For Remote Collection dialog box


The setting items in this dialog box are shown below.

Collection timing

In this drop-down list, select the timing of remote collection from the relay system, management relay server, or managed computer.

  • While the agent is running

    If you select this option, remote collection is performed while the system on the relay system, management relay server, or managed computer is running. If the system is not running when the job is executed, remote collection is performed next time the system is started.

  • When the agent starts

    If you select this option, remote collection is performed when the system is started for the first time after a job is executed on the relay system, management relay server, or managed computer.


In this drop-down list box, you can specify whether to compress the files when remote collection is performed. The default is Enabled.

Start external programs on the agent

If you specify settings in this section, user-specific processing can be executed on the relay system, management relay server, or managed computer at the time of remote collection by starting external programs at the following timings:

Before collection

This option starts the specified external program immediately before remote collection. Specify this option when you want to perform data processing (such as data format conversion) on the relay system, management relay server, or managed computer before remote collection.

After collection

This option starts the specified external program immediately after remote collection.

Upon collection error

This option starts the specified external program when a remote collection error occurs. Note that you cannot specify this option for UNIX computers.

For the path name of an external program to be started, specify up to 128 characters for Windows or up to 64 characters for UNIX (including the drive name). Note the following rules when specifying an external program:

  • If the path to the external program includes spaces, enclose the entire path with double quotation marks ("). Note, however, that the path cannot contain spaces when external programs are executed in UNIX.

  • The path to an external program cannot include the string %HITACHI_REG\xxx% (where xxx is any string). This string is a path specific to each Hitachi program product, and is reserved for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. General users cannot specify this string.

(3) Checking execution results

Job statuses are monitored by the managing server at certain intervals and displayed in the Job Status window. The Job Status window displays the statuses of all jobs, and the icon at the beginning of each job name indicates the job type.

If you select a remote collection job in the left pane of the window, the path to the file collected by remote collection is displayed as job details in the right pane. To restore an archived file, check the path to the file before using the unarchiver.

For details about the contents displayed in the Job Status window or how to display detailed information for each job or how to re-execute jobs, see 10.4 Checking the job status.