
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

8.1.3 Automatically acquiring updates

The acquisition of patch information files and updates as well as packaging can all be performed automatically. Note, however, that the updates that can be automatically acquired are limited to OS updates from packaging run time to 60 days ago.

The automatic acquisition of updates is executed as follows:

  1. The patch information file is acquired from the support service site.

  2. In accordance with the settings that specify the updates to be acquired, the updates are acquired.

  3. Updates are packaged according to the packaging settings.

For details about the packaging settings for updates, see 8.1.2(1) Setting up packaging.

For automatic acquisition of updates to work, you have to set the updates to be acquired by using the Automatic Settings panel. You can set the updates to be acquired as follows.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings that specify the updates to be acquired

For automatic acquisition and packaging of updates to work, you have to set the types of updates to be acquired.

You can set the types of updates to be automatically acquired by using the Automatic Settings panel that is displayed from the Windows Update Management dialog box.

You can display the Automatic Settings panel as follows:

  1. Click the Setup button.

    The Setup dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Automatic Settings tab.

    The Automatic Settings panel appears.

Figure 8‒5: The Automatic Settings panel


You can specify the following settings on the Automatic Settings panel:

Windows updates automatically to be download and packaged

Select this check box when you want updates to be automatically downloaded and packaged. By default, this check box is cleared.

Execution Time of Package and Download

Set the time at which to automatically download and package updates. By default, 0:00 in UTC is set.

Target Product

Select the OSs for which to acquire updates.

The automatic acquisition of updates is executed for the OSs selected here. By default, all OSs are selected.

Update Type

Select the classes of the patches to be acquired. By default, Critical Updates and Security Updates are selected.

(2) Executing the automatic acquisition of updates

According to the settings on the Automatic Settings panel, the automatic acquisition of updates is executed.

Details about the error that occurs during automatic acquisition of updates are output to directory-to-which-JP1/IT-Desktop-Management-2-is-installed\LOG\DPT.LOG. The following figure shows the format of DPT.LOG.

Figure 8‒6: Format of DPT.LOG


The following table describes the cause and corrective action for each entry output to DPT.LOG.

Table 8‒2: Cause and corrective action for each log entry output upon the acquisition of a patch

Message ID

Message text


Corrective action


Another instance of the application is already running.

The Windows Update Management dialog box is already open.

If you have opened the Windows Update Management dialog box from Remote Install Manager, close it. If you have not opened the Windows Update Management dialog box from Remote Install Manager, wait awhile and then try opening the Windows Update Management dialog box again.


Database connection failed. Reason: error-message-of database

An attempt to connect to the database failed.

  • Confirm if the management server is up and running.

  • Check the Administrator user ID or password in the server setup.


Error occurred while accessing database. Reason: error-message-of database

An error occurred during access to the database.

  • Check the environment used for communication with the management server.

  • Confirm if the management server is up and running.


Unable to get a DSN to connect or DSN invalid. Reason: error-message-of database

An attempt to acquire the data source might have failed, or the data source might be invalid.

Try acquiring the data source again after starting Remote Install Manager.


Unable to configure the proxy settings.

An attempt to connect to the proxy server failed.

Check the proxy server setting on the Network Settings panel.


Error in network settings information. Unable to connect to the internet.

An attempt to connect to the network failed.

Check the network connection setting on the Network Settings panel.


Unable to store the downloaded information in the file system.

An attempt to download the file failed.

  • Confirm that there is enough free space on the hard disk.

  • Confirm that you have the permissions to write to the directory in which JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager is installed.


'server-name' login failure.

An attempt to log in to the server failed.

Check the Network Settings panel to confirm the authentication information on the applicable server.


Unable to establish connection with the JP1/ITDM2 - Manager.

The Packager failed to connect to the server.

  • Check the connection destination set in the Packager.

  • Confirm that the network connection is working.


Unable to communicate with the JP1/ITDM2 - Manager.

An error occurred while the Packager was trying to establish a connection with the server.

Confirm that the network connection is working.


Unable to transfer the file to the JP1/ITDM2 - Manager.

The network connection might have gone down during packaging.

Confirm that the network connection is working.


Package 'package-name' already exists.

It is possible that the cabinet to which you want to store the package contains a package having a package ID that is identical to that of the package you are trying to store.

Confirm if the cabinet to which to store the package contains a package having a package ID that is identical to that of the package you are trying to store. If the cabinet contains a package having an identical package ID, either delete that package or select a different cabinet to store the new package.


Invalid password specified for JP1/ITDM2 - Manager login.

It is possible that the cabinet to which you want to store the package contains a package having a package ID that is identical to that of the package you are trying to store.

Confirm if the cabinet to which to store the package contains a package having a package ID that is identical to that of the package you are trying to store. If the cabinet contains a package having an identical package ID, either delete that package or select a different cabinet to store the new package.


Unable to execute the command 'full-path-to-the-packaging-command'.

An attempt to start the Packager failed.

Confirm if the Packager is installed. If the Packager is not installed, install it.


The packaging processing will now stop because an error occurred.

Packaging ended in failure.

  • Check the free space available on the hard disk.

(3) Disabling Windows update automatic acquisition of security policy

When automatically acquiring or distributing Windows update using Remote Install Manager, disabling Windows update automatic acquisition by security policy can reduce resource usage of the management server. For information regarding Windows update automatic acquisition by security policy, see the description of Managing Windows Updates in the manual JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide.

When disabling the Windows update automatic acquisition by security policy, set 0 to Mgrsrv_Patch_AutoPackageKind property of the configuration file (jdn_manager_config.conf). For the detail of Mgrsrv_Patch_AutoPackageKind property, see the Property List in the manual JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide.