
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.6.9 Multicast distribution performing installation by reducing the amount of packets sent by a job

If you want to use the Install package job to install large packages on a large number of computers, you can reduce the amount of packet transmissions by distributing jobs based on multicast distribution.

For normal job distribution (unicast distribution), the number of packets sent from the host server increases according to the number of managed computers. However, if you distribute jobs based on multicast distribution, you can distribute jobs to a specified (large) number of computers just by sending the packets for a single job from the host system connected to those computers. This reduces the amount of packet transmissions, thereby reducing the load on the network. Job distribution times can also be reduced.

With multicast distribution, the host system sends packets to a conceptual group called a multicast group. These packets are sent to each computer that belongs to that group. A multicast group has a group-specific IP address called a multicast address. For the host system and each computer participating in the multicast group, set the same multicast address in the agent configurations.

The following figure illustrates the differences between multicast distribution and unicast distribution.

Figure 7‒58: Differences between multicast distribution and unicast distribution


When a job is distributed to relatively few destinations, or when the package size is small, using multicast distribution makes the package transfers less efficient. In such cases, use unicast distribution.

To use multicast distribution, specify a desired distribution method on the Job Distribution Attributes page of the Create Job dialog box during job creation. For details about the system configuration and settings for multicast distribution, see 3.2 Settings for multicast distribution.