
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.2.14 Customizing the packaging environment

You can specify the following packaging environment settings according to user operations:

You can specify these packaging environment settings in the Customize Default Settings dialog box, which is displayed by selecting Customize default settings from the Options menu in the JP1/ITDM2 Packager window.

To customize the packaging environment, you need permissions to access the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Processing Message page

On this page, you can specify whether to display processing message dialog boxes during packaging processing. You can separately specify whether to display a dialog box indicating connection with the host system and whether to display a dialog box indicating packaging in progress. By default, both processing message dialog boxes are displayed.

Figure 7‒20: Processing Message page


(2) Package Attributes page

On this page, you can specify the default values for each item in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box.

Setting item on the Package Attributes page displays the items corresponding to the page names in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box. Select a desired item for Setting item, and then specify the default values to be used in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box on the right side of the page.

(a) Packaging information

You can specify the default values for the Package name, Package ID, Version/revision, and Generation drop-down lists in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box. These settings are valid only when you select User programs and data for Package type. By default, none of the check boxes are selected.

Figure 7‒21: Package Attributes page (Packaging information)


Package name/ID

Specify the default values for the Package name and Package ID drop-down list.

Acquire from file/folder name

If you select this option, the folder or file name you selected during packaging is used as the default value in the Package name and Package ID drop-down lists. All the alphabetic characters in the package ID are changed to uppercase letters.

If you selected a file name during packaging, the file name excluding the period and extension is used as the default package name and package ID. If you selected multiple folders or files during packaging, the first folder or file name is used. Any characters that exceed the maximum allowable number of characters are deleted. Any prohibited characters and spaces are deleted. If the file or folder name consists of only prohibited characters, the default package name and package ID are left blank.

Acquire from date when packaging is done

If you select this option, the date and time of packaging is used as the default value in the Package name and Package ID drop-down lists. This means that the default package name and package ID are identical.

You can select a desired date/time format from the Format drop-down list. YYYY (or YY), MM, DD, HH, MM, and SS represent the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second, respectively. If any value of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second is a single-digit number, 0 is added in front of the value to make it a two-digit number.


Specify the default value to be used in the Version/revision drop-down list.


If you select this option, the value specified in the Current value drop-down list is used as the default value in the Version/revision drop-down list. When packaging succeeds, the current value is updated by adding the value specified in the Increment value drop-down list. However, if you change the value in the Version/revision drop-down list during packaging, the current value is not updated. Note also that the current value returns to 0 when it exceeds 999,999. You can specify a value from 0 to 999,999 in the Current value drop-down list, and a value from 0 to 10 in the Increment value drop-down list.

If you want to set a fixed value in the Version/revision drop-down list, specify 0 in the Increment value drop-down list. This prevents the current value from being updated and leaves the default value in the Version/revision drop-down list unchanged.

Acquire from date when packaging is done

If you select this option, the date and time of packaging is used as the default value in the Version/revision drop-down list. You can select a desired date/time format from the Format drop-down list. YYMMDD, MMDDYY, DDMMYY, MMDDHH, and HHMMSS represent the year/month/day, month/day/year, day/month/year, month/day/hour, and hour/minute/second, respectively. If any value of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second is a single-digit number, 0 is added in front of the value to make it a two-digit number.


Specify the default value to be used in the Generation drop-down list.


If you select this option, the value specified in the Current value drop-down list is used as the default value in the Generation drop-down list. When packaging succeeds, the current value is updated by adding the value specified in the Increment value drop-down list. However, if you change the value in the Generation drop-down list during packaging, the current value is not updated. Note also that the current value returns to 0 when it exceeds 9,999. You can specify a value from 0 to 9,999 in the Current value drop-down list, and a value from 0 to 10 in the Increment value drop-down list.

If you want to set a fixed value in the Generation drop-down list, specify 0 in the Increment value drop-down list. This prevents the current value from being updated, and leaves the default value in the Generation drop-down list unchanged.

Acquire from date when packaging is done

If you select this option, the date and time of packaging is used as the default value in the Generation drop-down list. You can select a desired date/time format from the Format drop-down list. MMDD, DDMM, HHMM, MMSS, YYMM, and MMYY represent the month/day, day/month, hour/minute, minute/second, year/month, and month/year, respectively. If any value of the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second is a single-digit number, 0 is added in front of the value to make it a two-digit number.


When you want to specify a value in the Increment value drop-down list under the Version or Generation check box, specify a starting value as follows:

  • Starting value for Version: A six-digit value no less than 100,000

  • Starting value for Generation: A four-digit value no less than 1,000

If you specify a value other than the above values, correct judgments might not be made even if you specify package conditions during packaging.

(b) Software conditions

You can specify the default value for software conditions during remote installation.

Figure 7‒22: Package Attributes page ("Software conditions")



In this area, you can select whether the specified software is to be installed on the condition that it already exists on the agent, or that it does not. By default, Installed is selected.

Judgment of multiple conditions

If you have specified multiple conditions, you can select whether the package is to be installed if any one of the specified conditions is satisfied or only if all of the conditions are satisfied. The default is Meets one of the conditions.

(c) Package conditions

You can specify the default values for package conditions during remote installation.

Figure 7‒23: Package Attributes page (Package conditions)


Package name/package ID

You can specify whether to identify the package as a package name, or package ID. By default, Package name is selected.


You can specify whether the specified package is to be installed if it already exists on the managed computer, or if it does not. By default, Installed is selected.

Judgment of multiple conditions

If you have specified multiple conditions, you can select whether the package is to be installed if any one of the specified conditions is satisfied or only if all of the conditions are satisfied. The default is Meets one of the conditions.

(d) File properties

You can specify the default values for the file properties after remote installation. However, if you select Use the permissions and owner of the directory on the packager and the files or directories to be packaged are in a FAT file system, the following is selected in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box: Use the permissions and owner of the installation directory

Figure 7‒24: Package Attributes page (File properties)


By default, Use the permissions and owner of the installation directory is selected. This setting is only valid for the following types of packaging:

  • When you select User programs and data for Package type

  • When you select Other companies' software for Package type and use AIT files

(e) Schedule

You can specify the default values to be used in Expiration of package storage at the relay computer and the Execution timing drop-down list in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box.

Figure 7‒25: Package Attributes page (Schedule)


The relay computer holds relayed packages for

If you specify a number (days) in this field, this number is added to the date of packaging to determine the default value for the package storage time limit at the relay system. Specify a value from 1 to 32,000 (days). The default is 90 days. You can specify a maximum of 32,000 days (equivalent to approx. 88 years). However, if the date displayed in Expiration of package storage at the relay computer in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box is January 1, 2095 or later, it is automatically changed to December 31, 2094.

Package maintenance period of relay system is enabled (On)

Select this check box to enable the default value for Expiration of package storage at the relay computer in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box. By default, this check box is not selected.

Execution timing

Specify the timing of package installation. The default is Install now. If you want to leave the default value blank in the Execution timing drop-down list in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box, select No default. You can select any one of the following items:

  • Install when the system starts

  • Install now

  • When System Stops

    This item is only valid for agents for UNIX.

  • No default

(f) Installation method

You can specify the default value for Installation mode in the JP1/ITDM2 Packaging dialog box. The default is Background installation mode. This setting is valid only when you select User programs and data for Package type.

Figure 7‒26: Package Attributes page ("Installation method")


(g) Options

You can specify the default values for the optional items to be used during remote installation.

Figure 7‒27: Package Attributes page (Options)


Compression of package data

With this check box, you can specify the default value regarding whether to compress the software during packaging. By default, this check box is not selected.

Restore old version when upgrade failed

With this check box, you can specify the default value regarding whether to back up the previous version of the software at the remote installation target during a version upgrade. This setting is valid only when you select User programs and data for Package type. By default, this check box is not selected.

Restart computer after installation

With this check box, you can specify the default value regarding whether to automatically restart the managed computer after the package is installed. By default, this check box is not selected.

Display processing message

With this drop-down list, you can specify the default value regarding whether to display processing message dialog boxes on the managed computer during package installation. The default is According to the agent settings. You can select any one of the following items:

  • According to the agent settings

  • Show

  • Hide

(h) External program

If you select this item, you can specify the default values for the external programs to be started immediately before and after installation, and if an installation error occurs. You can also specify the default value for the external program monitoring time (Time-out). The default value for the Time-out field is 1 second, and the default values for all other items are blank.

Figure 7‒28: Package Attributes page ("External program")


If you select any of the following setting items, you can specify the default values for external program details: Detailed settings of the external program to start before installation, Detailed settings of the external program to start after installation, or Detailed settings of the external program to start at installation error. The following table lists the items for which you can specify default values, and the default value for each item:

Item for which default can be set


Monitor the time of the external program

Not selected

End status is notified by

Exit code

When an external program error occurs, the job#

Finishes unsuccessfully


You cannot set this item if you select Detailed settings of the external program to start at installation error.

(i) AIT file

If you select this item, you can specify the default value regarding whether to monitor responses from installation processing that uses AIT files. This setting is valid only if you select Other companies' software for Package type, and AIT files are used in packaging.

Figure 7‒29: Package Attributes page ("AIT file")


If you monitor responses from installation processing that uses AIT files, select the Wait for the completion of AIT file processing check box, and specify the upper limit for the monitoring time in Time-out. By default, this check box is not selected.

(3) Directory page

On this page, you can specify a working directory to be used when the Packager packages software. This directory requires the amount of space that is more than the maximum size of the software to be packaged. The default directory is JP1/IT-Desktop-Management-2 - Agent-installation-directory\PKG\WORK.

Figure 7‒30: Directory page


(4) Audit Log page

On this page, specify settings related to audit log output during packaging.

Note that this page is displayed only when the Packager and JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager are located on different computers.

Figure 7‒31: Audit Log page


Output audit logs

Select this check box to output audit logs. By default, this check box is not selected. When you select this check box, the setting items related to audit log output are enabled.

Output directory for audit logs

Specify an audit log output directory by using from 4 to 127 bytes of double-byte or single-byte characters and the following symbols: _ \ . : ( ) [Figure].

By default, no output directory is specified. For the output directory you specify, assign write permissions to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 users beforehand.

Audit logs are output to a NETMAuditManager.LOG file that is created in the specified directory.

Note that if you specify the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent installation directory as the audit log output directory, audit logs are also deleted when JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent is uninstalled. Specify the output directory according to how audit logs are used.