
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

7.2.9 Options page

On this page, specify remote installation options.

Figure 7‒14: Options page


Compress package data

Select this check box to compress software before packaging. Compressed packages are automatically decompressed during remote installation. By default, this check box is not selected.

If you compress packages, file transfers become faster, and the amount of space required for storing the packages in a cabinet can be saved. However, it takes some time to compress and decompress packages during packaging and remote installation.

When you compress a package, you can select either of the following compression methods. The default is For Windows.

For Windows

For Windows can compress package data more than UNIX Shared. However, this method cannot compress package data to be distributed to agents for UNIX.

UNIX Shared

UNIX Shared does not compress package data as efficiently as For Windows, but can compress package data to be distributed to agents for UNIX.

Compression rates differ according to the package data. The following table lists examples of approximate compression (%) for a given size of uncompressed data:

Compression method

100 megabytes of text data

145 megabytes of program data

For Windows

Approx. 1%

Approx. 47%

UNIX Shared

Approx. 45%

Approx. 71%

Restore old version when upgrade failed

You can use this check box only if you select User programs and data for Package type. If you select this check box, the previous version of the software at the remote installation target is backed up when the software is upgraded. If remote installation fails, the previous version of the software is restored from the backup. By default, this check box is not selected.

If you specify an external program to be started immediately before remote installation, the software is backed up after the external program is started. Similarly, if you specify an external program to be started if an installation error occurs, the software is restored after the external program is started.

A backup file storage period is specified for software that is packaged from the UNIX-version Packager. Even if remote installation fails and then restoration also fails, you can retry restoration processing from the managed computer. For details about how to check backup files and retry restoration processing, see 12.5 Managing backup files.

This check box is equivalent to Restore old version when upgrade failed in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box.

Restart computer after installation

With this check box, specify whether to restart the managed computer automatically after a package is installed. By default, this check box is not selected. If you select this check box, a confirmation dialog box asking whether to restart the system is displayed on the managed computer after installation, and the system is restarted after the specified time has elapsed. The display time period of the confirmation dialog box is specified in the User notification settings option in agent configuration.

You can also specify Follow the response of the user in the dialog box that instructs the user to shut down or restart the computer for the display time period of the confirmation dialog box. In this case, the system is not restarted until a user responds.

Only managed computers (except agents for UNIX) can be restarted automatically. Relay systems and management relay servers cannot be restarted automatically even if you install a package that specifies a restart after installation.

When restarting the computer automatically, note the following:

  • Do not select the Restart computer after installation check box when performing a remote installation of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent. Doing so might fail to complete the remote installation successfully.

  • If you use a single job to install multiple packages that specify a restart of the computer after installation, the computer is restarted automatically after all the packages are installed.

  • If computer shutdown by the Client Control facility is specified in a job that distributes a package that specifies a restart after installation, the computer is shut down after the job has finished.

  • Multiple jobs (including a job that distributes a package that specifies a restart after installation and a job that specifies shutdown by the Client Control facility) might be successively executed on the managed computer. In such a case, the computer is shut down after all the jobs have finished.

  • If a package that specifies a restart after installation is installed by the Package Setup Manager on the agent, the computer is not restarted until a user responds. (The behavior is the same as when Follow the response of the user in the dialog box that instructs the user to shut down or restart the computer is specified.) This is true even if the display time period of the confirmation dialog box is specified in agent configurations.

  • If a Windows computer is password-protected and a screen-saver is enabled, the computer cannot be restarted automatically.

  • If a file is being edited when a package that specifies a restart after installation is installed, the computer cannot be restarted automatically.

If remote installation of a package that specifies a restart after installation is performed from the host system, the specified behavior cannot be performed in the following logon status:

  • Before logon

In this situation, if you select Automatically start if no response is received from the user within the specified period in agent configurations, the computer is restarted without displaying a confirmation dialog box. If you select Follow the response of the user in the dialog box that instructs the user to shut down or restart the computer, the computer cannot be restarted.

Here, a remote installation of a package from the host system refers to any cases other than installing a package from an agent by using the Package Setup Manager.

Display processing message

Specify whether to display processing message dialog boxes on the managed computer during package installation. (Processing message dialog boxes are dialog boxes displayed during downloading and during installation.) You can select one of the following options:

According to the agent settings

Determines the behavior of download processing message dialog boxes and installation processing message dialog boxes according to the settings in Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed under Job settings in the agent configurations. Whether the standard dialog boxes for the program or the dialog boxes specified in user-created programs are displayed as processing message dialog boxes also follows the settings in Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed.


Displays download processing message dialog boxes and installation processing message dialog boxes, regardless of the settings in Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed under Job settings in the agent configurations.

Whether the standard dialog boxes for the program or the dialog boxes specified in user-created programs are displayed as processing message dialog boxes also follows the settings in Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed.


Hides download processing message dialog boxes and installation processing message dialog boxes, regardless of the settings in Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed under Job settings in the agent configurations.

The following table describes whether processing message dialog boxes are displayed when Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed and Display processing message are specified:

Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed

Display processing message (package settings)

According to the agent settings












Y: Display an applicable dialog box

N: Do not display an applicable dialog box

If you specify Show for Display processing message, whether the installation processing message dialog box is displayed on top of other windows follows the settings in Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being progressed.

Download priority

Select the package priority from the drop-down list. The default is 5.

For details about package priority, see 7.6.16 Priority distribution of packages.

Message displayed at the target client before starting installation

In this area, enter a description to be attached to the package, in either of the following ways:

  • Enter a description directly in the Message text text box.

    For a description, enter a maximum of 30,000 single-byte characters (or 15,000 double-byte characters).

  • Click the Copy from File button and load a text file.

    The maximum size of a text file is 30,000 bytes.

This description is useful when you distribute a package by using the Send package, allow client users to choose job. You can view this description from the managed computer when you use the Package Setup Manager to select the package to be installed. Write a description of any information you want users to know before installation, such as package contents and installation methods.

This item is equivalent to Message displayed at the target client before starting installation in the Change Installation Conditions dialog box.