
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

6.3.1 Setting ID group policies

You can set ID group policies from the manager that manages the ID group or the management relay server specified as an ID-management relay computer. To set an ID group policy:

  1. In the Destination window, from the Options menu, select Auto Host Group/ID Maintenance.

    The Policy Setup dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒25: Policy Setup dialog box


  2. Click Add.

    To change an existing policy, select the policy you want to change and then click Change. To delete a policy, select the policy you want to delete and then click Delete.

    When you click Add, the Selection of Maintenance Target dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒26: Selection of Maintenance Target dialog box


    Select the Automatic maintenance of ID option.

  3. Click Next.

    The Select Policy Type dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒27: Select Policy Type dialog box


  4. Select the policy type you want to set, and then click Next.

  5. Set the policy in the displayed dialog box.

    The dialog box that appears depends on the option you selected. For details about the settings in each dialog box, refer to subsections indicated in the table below.

    Selected option

    Refer to

    Register an ID by using a new host

    6.3.1(1) Settings in Register ID by Using New Host dialog box

    Register an ID by using asset field definitions

    6.3.1(2) Settings in Register ID by Using Asset Field Definitions dialog box

    Register an ID by using device inventory

    6.3.1(3) Settings in Register ID by Device Inventory dialog box

  6. Click Next.

    The Confirm Policies dialog box appears.

    Figure 6‒28: Confirm Policies dialog box


    Check the ID groups for which the policies are being set. To change an ID group, click Back and select the ID groups again.

  7. Click Finish.

    The policies are displayed in the Policy Setup dialog box.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings in Register ID by Using New Host dialog box

This policy automatically adds new hosts registered in the system configuration to an ID group. You can only set one such policy.

Figure 6‒29: Register ID by Using New Host dialog box


When you click Browse, the ID List dialog box appears. Use this dialog box to select the ID group for which to set the policy.

To create a new ID group, in the ID List dialog box, click Create ID Group.

(2) Settings in Register ID by Using Asset Field Definitions dialog box

You can register computers in ID groups based on asset management items. You can specify the following asset management items:

There is no limit to the number of policies you can set.

However, the length of time taken to perform automatic ID group maintenance depends on the number of set policies.

Figure 6‒30: Register ID by Using Asset Field Definitions dialog box


To set a policy in the Register ID by Using Asset Management Item dialog box:

  1. In the Asset management item area, select an item you want to set, and then click the > button.

    The item you selected is added to the Condition area. The Item value column displays the first 259 characters of the item you selected. You can add a maximum of 10 items to the Condition area. You cannot specify the same asset management item more than once.

    To remove an item from the Condition area, select the item you want to remove and then click the < button.

  2. Click Browse.

    The ID List dialog box appears. Select the ID group for which you want to set the policy.

    To create a new ID group, in the ID List dialog box, click Create ID Group.

  3. Click Add.

    The policy you specified in the Conditions area is added to the Policies list.

    To remove a policy, select the policy you want to remove and then click Delete.

(3) Settings in Register ID by Device Inventory dialog box

You can register computers in ID groups based on device information. You can specify the following device information items:

There is no limit to the number of policies you can set.

However, the length of time taken to perform automatic ID group maintenance depends on the number of set policies.

Figure 6‒31: Register ID by Device Inventory dialog box


To set a policy in the Register ID by Device Inventory dialog box:

  1. Specify an ID policy name.

    An ID policy name is required. The maximum length of an ID policy name is 64 bytes. You cannot specify an existing ID policy name.

  2. In the Set Conditions area, select a type of information on which you want to set conditions, and click the Add condition button.

    Depending on the selected type of information, an appropriate Add Condition dialog box appears.

  3. Set conditions.

    The following table lists conditions available in the Add Condition dialog box.

    Type of information

    Condition item

    Value to be set

    Comparison condition

    Computer details


    Specify a model with a comparison condition.

    • is

    • begins with

    • contains of


    Specify a manufacturer with a comparison condition.

    • is

    • begins with

    • contains of

    Network details

    IP Address

    • Wildcard specification

    • Range specification

    For Wildcard:

    Specify an IP address. Asterisks (*) can be used as wildcard characters.

    For Range:

    Specify a range of IP addresses.


    Software details

    Software Name

    Specify a software name with a comparison condition.

    • is

    • begins with

    • contains of

    Software Installation Status

    Specify the installation status.

    • Not installed

    • Installed



    • Direct specification

    • Range specification

    For Direct specification:

    Specify a version with a comparison condition.

    For Range specification:

    Specify a range of versions.

    • is

    • is not

    • greater than

    • equal to or greater than

    • less than

    • less than or equal to

    Asset field definition (Asset management items)

    User-defined item

    • Direct specification

    • Range specification

    For Direct specification:

    Specify a value of the user-defined item with a comparison condition.

    For Range specification:

    Specify a range of values of the user-defined item.

    • is

    • is not

    • begins with

    • contains of

    • not contain of

    Legend: --: Not applicable

  4. Click OK.

    Conditions that you set appear in Condition list in the Register ID by Device Inventory dialog box. A policy can have up to 10 conditions. Note that a device information ID policy cannot have more than one condition for the same type of information (condition for the same user-defined item in the case of an asset management item).

    To change a condition, select the condition you want to change and click the Change button. The Change Condition dialog box appears so that you can change the condition.

    To delete a condition, select the condition you want to delete and click the Delete button.

  5. Click Browse.

    The ID List dialog box appears. Select the ID group for which you want to set the policy.

    To create a new ID group, in the ID List dialog box, click Create ID Group.