
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

6.1.1 Searching for hosts by name

The following describes how to search for hosts by using a name as the search key. Examples of the names you can specify include IP addresses, destination names, host group names, and ID group names.

  1. In the System Configuration or Destination window, from the Options menu, select Find.

    The Find dialog box appears. The contents of the dialog box vary depending on whether it was opened from the System Configuration window or the Destination window.

    The figures below show examples of the Find window displayed from each of these windows.

    Figure 6‒1: Find dialog box displayed from System Configuration window


    Figure 6‒2: Find dialog box displayed from Destination window


    Destination (only when displayed from Destination window)

    Select this option to search by destination name.

    Host group/ID Group (only when displayed from Destination window)

    Select this option to search by host group name and ID group name.

    Find what:

    Specify the search string using a maximum of 64 bytes. You cannot use single-byte spaces or the following symbols:

    Backslashes (\), forward slashes (/), asterisks (*), double quotation marks ("), colons (:), exclamation marks (!), vertical bars (|), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), percent signs (%), at marks (@), and single quotation marks (').

    The system searches for destinations whose names contain the specified character string.

    Find host names

    Select this option to search by host name.

    This option is unavailable when you display the Find dialog box from the Destination window and select Host group/ID Group as the search target.

    Find IP addresses

    Select this option to search by IP address.

    This option is unavailable when you display the Find dialog box from the Destination window and select Host group/ID Group as the search target.

    Find whole word only

    Select this check box if you want the search results to only include names that completely match the specified search string.

    Match case

    Select this check box when you want the search results to distinguish between upper and lower case letters.

  2. Specify the search conditions, and then click Find.

    The search process begins, and the search results appear in the Search result area at the bottom of the window.

    You can resize the Find dialog box to make the search results more visible.

  3. Select a destination in the Search result area, and then click Jump. Alternatively, double-click the destination.

    The System Configuration window or Destination window becomes active and displays information about the destination you selected.