
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

4.4.3 Package window

The Package window displays information about the packages in cabinets. You can use this window to view and edit packages.

Figure 4‒5: Package window


The left pane of the window shows the hierarchy of cabinets and packages. The right pane contains the three tabs listed below. You can use these tabs to select which information appears in the right pane.

List tab

Lists the information (cabinets or packages) that is one level below the item selected in the left pane.

Attributes tab

Displays attribute information (such as the cabinet name, package name, package size, and compression status) of the cabinet or package selected in the left pane.

Package Contents tab

If the package type is User programs or data, this tab shows the names, sizes, and last update times of the files in the package.