
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

1.3.8 Checking job execution statuses

You can check job execution statuses in the Job Status window of Remote Install Manager. This window displays the status of executed jobs by folder or by job, in a hierarchical structure. The left pane displays the hierarchy of folders and jobs, and the right pane displays information about an item selected in the left pane.

Figure 1‒12: Job Status window


The color of a job in the Job Status window indicates the most serious status of the hosts targeted by that job. For example, if a job is displayed in red (indicating that an error has occurred), you can identify the host where the error occurred by navigating down through the hierarchy one level at a time.

For details about how to check job execution statuses, see 10.4 Checking the job status.