
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

1.3.5 Executing jobs on grouped hosts

In large-scale systems, it is more efficient to specify groups of systems as job execution targets, rather than individual systems. You can use host groups or ID groups to group hosts.

Host group

A host group is a hierarchical group of distribution destinations based on arbitrary conditions, such as a department or project. The managing server manages not only the creation of the groups but also which computers belong to each group. This type of grouping provides a logical hierarchical structure for job destinations, making them easier to manage in the user interface. We recommend that you create host groups for this reason.

If you specify a host group as the destination of a job, the job will be executed on every computer that belongs to that host group.

You can group computers by department as well as by project. This lets you assign groups by department or by project when a project crosses departmental lines, as shown in the figure below.

The following figure illustrates the concept of a host group:

Figure 1‒8: Concept of host groups


ID group

When you use ID groups, not only can system administrators register computers in ID groups, but users can do so themselves by selecting the ID groups to which they want to belong. A job executed with an ID group as the destination is automatically executed each time a new computer is registered in the corresponding ID group. This means that the managing server does not need to redistribute the software to every new computer that joins the group. If ID groups are based on information that is subject to change, such as the operating system or the purpose for which the computer is used, only users affected by such a change need to alter their ID group memberships. This reduces the burden on the system administrator.

The following figure illustrates the concept of an ID group:

Figure 1‒9: Concept of ID groups
