
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

1.1.7 Managing cabinets and packages

The management of cabinets and packages is generally the role of the managing server. You can use the Package window of Remote Install Manager to view packages and edit them as needed. It can be useful to create cabinets in advance for different types of software and for different purposes. For example, you might create cabinets for commercial software, for user data, and for anti-virus products.

The following figure shows the Package window:

Figure 1‒4: Package window


Cabinets and packages are represented by the following icons in the left pane of the Package window:

In the Package window, you can perform the following operations on cabinets and packages:

For details about how to manage cabinets and packages, see 7.4 Managing cabinets and packages.