
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

20.3.3 Installed software information list acquisition

This API acquires an installed software information list (list that shows information regarding the software programs installed on devices) from the management server.

The unit for one record of installed software information is not device unit, but installed software information of the device (Software object) unit. To obtain all software information installed on the device, use the following method.

Acquisition method

Get a list of device information. Obtain the installed software information of the device from the acquired device information. Include NodeNameInt (numeric host identifier) in the filter condition when acquiring the installed software information of the device. If the filter condition does not include NodeNameInt (numeric host identifier), it will take more time to acquire the information.

Execution permission

You need the following permission:

API version


Request format

Request line
GET /jp1itdm/api/v1/objects/devices_reference/softwares?filter HTTP/1.1

For filter, specify filter conditions for acquiring desired installed software information. For details, see Filter conditions for acquiring installed software information.

Request header
Request message body


Response format

Status line

Either a status code or its text is returned. For details, see the description of status codes in 20.2 Common API specifications.

Response header

For details, see the description of the response format in 20.2 Common API specifications.

Response message body

Under normal circumstances, the message body contains a device information list in JSON format. For details, see Data format for installed software information.

When an error occurs, error information is stored in JSON format. For details, see the description of the error information in 20.2 Common API specifications.

Filter conditions for acquiring installed software information

You can specify a filter condition for acquiring installed software information by inserting a query string in the request line. A query string to be used to specify filter conditions for acquiring installed software information should be in the following format:


Legend: ...: Repetitions of &filters[n]=filter-condition-n (n = 3 to 9)

Each item in the query string is described in detail below. All of these items are optional. When no query string is specified, a response returned will contain the maximum number of installed software information records that can be acquired.


Specify the number of installed software (Software Object) you want to acquire.

If you specify 0 or if you omit this parameter, it is assumed that 10,000 has been specified. Specifying a value that exceeds 10,000 will result in an error.

Example: When you want to acquire 1,000 installed software (Software Object), specify count=1000.


The maximum number of information that can be acquired at one time by the installed software information list acquisition is 10,000.


Specify the start position for the record of software information installed on the device to be acquired.

If you specify 0 or if you omit this parameter, installed software information records are acquired starting from the first record.

Example: When you want to acquire installed software information records starting from Record 1,001, specify offset=1000.


Adding or deleting installed software information records during the acquisition of installed software information records can cause the start position to shift when you attempt to acquire the next set of installed software information records.

If the records are shifted, some records may not be acquired (skipped) or duplicate records may be acquired.


Specify the items you want included in each acquired installed software information record. For details about the specifiable items, see Items that can be specified as filter conditions and the format of their values. When you specify multiple items, use a comma (,) to separate them.

If you omit this parameter, each one of the acquired installed software information records will contain all items.

Example: If you want the acquired installed software information records to contain the host ID, host name, device type, and OS type of the individual devices, specify fields=NodeID,HostName,EquipmentType,OsKind.


Specify filter conditions for the installed software information records to be acquired. For details about filter conditions, see Syntax for filter conditions.

You can specify a maximum of 10 filter conditions. When there are 10 filter conditions, specify filter condition numbers from 1 to 10, in that order, by replacing each n with the corresponding number. Do not skip a filter condition number. For example, specifying the following filter conditions, in which filter condition number 3 is skipped, results in an error: filters[1]=filter-condition-1&filters[2]=filter-condition-2&filters[4]=filter-condition-4.

When you specify multiple filter conditions, only those installed software information records that satisfy all specified conditions are acquired.


Specify items to be used to sort the acquired installed software information records. Select from the items listed under Items that can be specified as filter conditions and the format of their values. To sort the acquired device information records in the descending order of the values corresponding to a certain item, prefix the item name with a minus sign (-).

When you specify multiple item names, separate them with a comma (,). When multiple items are specified, the acquired installed software information records are first sorted according to the first item specified, and the resulting records are further sorted according to the second item specified, and so on.

If you omit this parameter, it is assumed that sort=NodeID,SoftwareName,SoftwareVersion,SoftwarePublisher is specified.

Example: To sort acquired installed software information records in ascending order of device type, and then sort the resulting records in descending order of last updated date and time, specify sort=EquipmentType,-LastUpdateTime.


If you specify sort parameter, it is assumed that ,NodeID,SoftwareName,SoftwareVersion,SoftwarePublisher is specified in end of the parameter.


An error occurs if the total value for the count parameter and offset parameter exceeds 2,147,483,647. An error also occurs if the count parameter is not specified or 0 is specified for the count parameter, and the total value for the upper limit for the count parameter and the offset parameter exceeds 2,147,483,647.


The following symbols cannot be used in the item names specified in the fields parameter, filters[n] parameter, or sort parameter.

single quotation mark ('), double quotation mark ("), space, tab, left curly bracket ({), right curly bracket (}), left square bracket ([), right square bracket (]), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), backslash (\), colon (:), semicolon (;), asterisk (*), question mark (?), equal sign (=), hyphen (-), and vertical bar (|)

Syntax for filter conditions

Use the following syntax to specify a filter condition for filters[n]:

When an operator other than in() or not in() is to be used:
When in() or not in() is to be used as an operator:


...: Repetitions of ,'value-n'

∆: One space character


Only one space should be written at ∆. If the space is used in not specified at ∆ or if two or more spaces are written, an error occurs.


Specify a filter condition number. Filter conditions must be numbered serially from 1 to 10.


Specify a filter condition by selecting from the item names listed under Items that can be specified as filter conditions and the format of their values.


Specify an operator for the filter condition. The following table shows specifiable operators.





Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name matches the specified value.

filters[1]=HostName = 'host01'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name is host01.


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name does not match the specified value.

filters[1]=HostName != 'host01'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name is something other than host01.


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name is larger than the specified value.

filters[1]=StandbyTimeoutAC > '60'

Acquires installed software information records whose time to system standby (AC) is longer than 60 seconds.

filters[1]=LastUpdateTime > '2020-04-01'

Acquires installed software information records whose last updated date and time is after 2020-04-01T00:00:00.000Z.


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name is smaller than the specified value.

filters[1]=StandbyTimeoutAC < '60'

Acquires installed software information records whose time to system standby (AC) is shorter than 60 seconds.

filters[1]=LastUpdateTime < '2020-04-01'

Acquires installed software information records whose last updated date and time is before 2020-04-01T00:00:00.000Z.


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name is equal to or larger than the specified value.

filters[1]=StandbyTimeoutAC >= '60'

Acquires installed software information records whose time to system standby (AC) is equal to or longer than 60 seconds.

filters[1]=LastUpdateTime >= '2020-04-01'

Acquires installed software information records whose last updated date and time is 2020-04-01T00:00:00.000Z or later.


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name is equal to or smaller than the specified value.

filters[1]=StandbyTimeoutAC <= '60'

Acquires installed software information records whose time to system standby (AC) is equal to or shorter than 60 seconds.

filters[1]=LastUpdateTime <= '2020-04-01'

Acquires installed software information records whose last updated date and time is 2020-04-01T00:00:00.000Z or earlier.


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name matches one of the values listed in parentheses.

The listed values are individually enclosed in single quotation marks (') and separated with a comma (,) in between.

The maximum number of values that can be specified in the in() clause is 100.

filters[1]=OsKind in('1','2','3')

Acquires installed software information records whose OS type is 1 (Windows), 2 (Linux), or 3 (UNIX).

not in()

Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name does not match any of the values listed in parentheses.

The listed values are individually enclosed in single quotation marks (') and separated with a comma (,) in between.

The maximum number of values that can be specified in the not in() clause is 100.

filters[1]=OsKind not in('1','2','3')

Acquires installed software information records whose OS type is something other than 1 (Windows), 2 (Linux), or 3 (UNIX).


Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name matches a string in the specified value.

This operator distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters in a string contained in the value.

You can use a wildcard (%) in a string contained in the specified value.


Represents a string of any length, including 0 length.

When the specified value contains a string that contains a underscore (_), percent sign (%) or backslash (\), replace it with \_, \% or \\.

filters[1]=HostName like 'TestPC'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name is TestPC.

filters[1]=HostName like 'Test%'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name starts with the string Test.

filters[1]=HostName like '%Test%'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name contains the string Test.

not like

Acquires installed software information records whose value corresponding to the specified item-name does not match a string in the specified value.

This operator distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters in a string contained in the value.

You can use a wildcard (%) in a string contained in the specified value.


Represents a string of any length, including 0 length.

When the specified value contains a string that contains a underscore (_), percent sign (%) or backslash (\), replace it with \_, \% or \\.

filters[1]=HostName not like 'TestPC'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name is something other than TestPC.

filters[1]=HostName not like 'Test%'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name does not start with the string Test.

filters[1]=HostName not like '%Test%'

Acquires installed software information records whose host name does not contain the string Test.


Specify a value for the filter condition.

For details about the data type of the item name to be specified, see Items that can be specified as filter conditions and the format of their values. For details about the coding format appropriate to each data type, see the information provided under Supported data types in 20.2 Common API specifications. Remember that you have to enclose a string in single quotation marks (') to specify a value.


The format to be used to specify a value for the dateTime-type item names varies depending on the operator used.

When using = or != as the operator

Specify the value in the 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ' format.

When using >, >=, < or <= as the operator

The basic format being 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ', you only have to specify up to a desired point in this format.

For example, if you specify filters[1]=LastUpdateTime<'2020-04', installed software information records whose last updated date and time is earlier than 2020-04-01T00:00:00.000Z are acquired.


If a string containing single quotation mark (') is specified as a value, it must be replaced with two single quotation marks ('').

Items that can be specified as filter conditions and the format of their values

The following table describes the items that can be specified as filter conditions and the format of their values:

Item name

Data type




Specify this item to filter device information records by host ID.



Specify this item to filter device information records by host name.



Specify this item to filter device information records by IP address.

This value must be expressed as a string by using the IPv4 format (where xxx represents a number in the range of 0-255).

When using like or not like as the operator, remember to suffix the specified value with the wildcard character %.



Specify this item to filter device information records by MAC address.

This value must be in the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format or expressed as a string using the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (where x represents a number in the range of 0-9 or a letter in the range of A-F or a-f).

When using like or not like as the operator, remember to suffix the specified value with the wildcard character %.



Specify this item to filter device information records by created date and time.



Specify this item to filter device information records by last updated date and time.



Specify this item to filter device information records by date and time when a computer-to-management server connection was last confirmed.



Specify this item to filter device information records by subnet mask.

This value must be expressed as a string by using the IPv4 format (where xxx represents a number in the range of 0-255).

When using like or not like as the operator, remember to suffix the specified value with the wildcard character %.



Specify this item to filter device information records by device type.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • EquipmentTypeComputer: PC

  • EquipmentTypeServer: Server

  • EquipmentTypeStorage: Storage device

  • EquipmentTypeNetworkDevice: Network device

  • EquipmentTypePrinter: Printer device

  • EquipmentTypePeripheralDevice: Peripheral device

  • EquipmentTypeUSBMemory: USB memory

  • EquipmentTypeDisplay: Display

  • EquipmentTypeSmartDevice: Smart device

  • EquipmentTypeOther: Other device

  • EquipmentTypeUnknown: Unknown device

  • EquipmentTypeUser: Device type added by the administrator user



Specify this item to filter device information records by name of user definition optionally added by the administrator user.



Specify this item to filter device information records by OS type.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Unknown

  • 1: Windows

  • 2: Linux

  • 3: UNIX

  • 4: Mac OS

  • 5: OS for smart devices

  • 6: HP-UX

  • 7: Solaris

  • 8: AIX



Specify this item to filter device information records by AMT firmware version.



Specify this item to filter device information records by management type.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Agent Management

  • 1: Agentless Management

  • 2: Agent Management(Network Access Control)

  • 4: Agent Management(Site Server)

  • 6: Agent Management(Site server)(Network Access Control)

  • 9: MDM Linkage Management

  • 16: Agent Management(Relaysystem)

  • 18: Agent Management(Relaysystem)(Network Access Control)

  • 32: Management Relay Server

  • 34: Management Relay Server(Network Access Control)

  • 65: API management



Specify this item to filter device information records by agent version.



Specify this item to filter device information records by distribution date and time.



Specify this item to filter device information records by agent distribution status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Not distributed yet (default value)

  • 1: Waiting to be distributed

  • 11: Currently being distributed

  • 51: Failed distribution attempt (distribution is being retried)

  • 52: Failed distribution attempt (with failed retry attempt)

  • 999: Agent installer started



Specify this item to filter device information records by error description provided after a failed agent distribution attempt.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: (Default)

  • 1: Authentication error

  • 2: Communication error

  • 3: Installation-in-progress error

  • 4: Waiting-for-PC-to-start error

  • 5: Other error

  • 101: An agent has not been registered.

  • 102: User authentication failed.

  • 103: Failed to access administrative shares.

  • 104: Failed to access the client.

  • 105: A communication error occurred.

  • 106: The MAC address is different from the registered one.

  • 107: An agent has already been installed.

  • 108: No notification of success has arrived from the agent.

  • 109: The client failed to resolve the manager's host name.

  • 110: Authentication information has not been specified.

  • 111: An error occurred during the creation of agent installation media.

  • 112: The agent installer is currently running.

  • 113: The agent installer did not finish.

  • 201: Failed decompression attempt

  • 202: Required-OS error

  • 203: User-permissions error

  • 204: Failed installation attempt



Specify this item to filter device information records by device management status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Managed

  • 1: Excluded

  • 2: Discovered



Specify this item to filter device information records by discovered date and time.



Specify this item to filter device information records by detailed device status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Running normally (default value)

  • 1: (Status of the discovered device) An authentication error occurred.

  • 2: (Status of the discovered device) The computer is not running.

  • 101: (Printer status) Needing attention of maintenance personnel

  • 102: (Printer status) Cover open

  • 103: (Printer status) Paper jam

  • 104: (Printer status) Paper feeding tray missing

  • 105: (Printer status) Paper receiving tray missing

  • 106: (Printer status) Consumable items lost

  • 107: (Printer status) Toner empty

  • 108: (Printer status) Paper receiving tray full

  • 109: (Printer status) Out of paper

  • 110: (Printer status) Paper feeding tray empty

  • 111: (Printer status) Toner low

  • 112: (Printer status) Paper low

  • 113: (Printer status) Paper receiving tray almost full

  • 114: (Printer status) A communication error occurred.

  • 115: (Printer status) Timing of preventive maintenance due to expiry

  • 999: Unknown

  • 1350: (Site server status) A fatal error occurred.

  • 1360: (Site server status) The database was blocked.

  • 3060: (Site server status) An attempt to install the site server failed.

  • 3070: (Site server status) An attempt to uninstall the site server failed.

  • 3160: (Network monitor status) The network monitor services stopped.

  • 3260: (Site server status) The site server services stopped.

  • 3365: (Site server status) No free space left in the folder storing the operation log database.

  • 3370: (Site server status) No free disk space left on the drive that contains the folder storing the operation log.

  • 3375: (Site server status) The folder storing the operation log database is low on free space.

  • 3380: (Site server status) The drive that contains the folder storing the operation log is low on disk space.

  • 3470: (Site server status) No disk space left on the drive that contains the data folder.

  • 3480: (Site server status) The drive that contains the data folder is low on disk space.

  • 3680: (Network monitor/site server status) The computer is not running.

  • 3850: (Smart device status) The smart device was initialized.



Specify this item to filter device information records by connection status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Allowed

  • 1: Blocked

  • 2: Forcibly blocked

  • 3: Outside the period of use

  • 999: Unknown



Specify this item to filter device information records by device status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Running

  • 1: Not running

  • 2: Warning

  • 3: Failure

  • 999: Unknown

  • 1100: Not applicable



Specify this item to filter device information records by method used to collect device information from agentless devices.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Administrative shares

  • 1: Remote WMI

  • 2: SNMP

  • 3: ICMP

  • 4: ARP

  • 5: Active Directory

  • 6: MDM

  • 999: Unknown



Specify this item to filter device information records by OS name.



Specify this item to filter device information records by all MAC addresses held by a device.

This value must be in the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format or expressed as a string using the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (where x represents a number in the range of 0-9 or a letter in the range of A-F or a-f).

When using like or not like as the operator, remember to suffix the specified value with the wildcard character %.

If the specified value exceeds the maximum length allowed, only those specified MAC addresses that fit within the allowed length become valid.



Specify this item to filter device information records by date and time when the distribution of the agent was completed.



Specify this item to filter device information records by OS Service Pack.



Specify this item to filter device information records by Internet Explorer version.



Specify this item to filter device information records by number of Windows services prohibited by security policies.



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to monitor shutdown (AC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to monitor shutdown (DC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to entering system standby (AC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to entering system standby (DC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to entering system hibernation state (AC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to entering system hibernation state (DC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to hard disk shutdown (AC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by time (units: seconds) to hard disk shutdown (DC).



Specify this item to filter device information records by OS language.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 1 Arabic

  • 4 Chinese (Simplified)– China

  • 9 English

  • 1025 Arabic – Saudi Arabia

  • 1026 Bulgarian

  • 1027 Catalan

  • 1028 Chinese (Traditional) – Taiwan

  • 1029 Czech

  • 1030 Danish

  • 1031 German – Germany

  • 1032 Greek

  • 1033 English – United States

  • 1034 Spanish – Traditional Sort

  • 1035 Finnish 1036 French – France

  • 1037 Hebrew

  • 1038 Hungarian

  • 1039 Icelandic

  • 1040 Italian – Italy

  • 1041 Japanese

  • 1042 Korean

  • 1043 Dutch – Netherlands

  • 1044 Norwegian – Bokmal

  • 1045 Polish

  • 1046 Portuguese – Brazil

  • 1047 Rhaeto-Romanic

  • 1048 Romanian

  • 1049 Russian

  • 1050 Croatian

  • 1051 Slovak

  • 1052 Albanian

  • 1053 Swedish

  • 1054 Thai

  • 1055 Turkish

  • 1056 Urdu

  • 1057 Indonesian

  • 1058 Ukrainian

  • 1059 Belarusian

  • 1060 Slovenian

  • 1061 Estonian

  • 1062 Latvian

  • 1063 Lithuanian

  • 1065 Persian

  • 1066 Vietnamese

  • 1069 Basque

  • 1070 Serbian

  • 1071 Macedonian (F.Y.R.O. Macedonia)

  • 1072 Sutu

  • 1073 Tsonga

  • 1074 Tswana

  • 1076 Xhosa

  • 1077 Zulu

  • 1078 Afrikaans

  • 1080 Faeroese

  • 1081 Hindi

  • 1082 Maltese

  • 1084 Gaelic

  • 1085 Yiddish

  • 1086 Malay – Malaysia

  • 2049 Arabic – Iraq

  • 2052 Chinese (Simplified) – PRC

  • 2055 German – Switzerland

  • 2057 English – United Kingdom

  • 2058 Spanish – Mexico

  • 2060 French – Belgium

  • 2064 Italian – Switzerland

  • 2067 Dutch – Belgium

  • 2068 Norwegian – Nynorsk

  • 2070 Portuguese – Portugal

  • 2072 Romanian – Moldova

  • 2073 Russian – Moldova

  • 2074 Serbian – Latin

  • 2077 Swedish – Finland

  • 3073 Arabic – Egypt

  • 3076 Chinese (Traditional) – Hong Kong SAR

  • 3079 German – Austria

  • 3081 English – Australia

  • 3082 Spanish – International Sort

  • 3084 French – Canada

  • 3098 Serbian – Cyrillic

  • 4097 Arabic – Libya

  • 4100 Chinese (Simplified) – Singapore

  • 4103 German – Luxembourg

  • 4105 English – Canada

  • 4106 Spanish – Guatemala

  • 4108 French – Switzerland

  • 5121 Arabic – Algeria

  • 5127 German – Liechtenstein

  • 5129 English – New Zealand

  • 5130 Spanish – Costa Rica

  • 5132 French – Luxembourg

  • 6145 Arabic – Morocco

  • 6153 English – Ireland

  • 6154 Spanish – Panama

  • 7169 Arabic – Tunisia

  • 7177 English – South Africa

  • 7178 Spanish – Dominican Republic

  • 8193 Arabic – Oman

  • 8201 English – Jamaica

  • 8202 Spanish – Venezuela

  • 9217 Arabic – Yemen

  • 9226 Spanish – Colombia

  • 10241 Arabic – Syria

  • 10249 English – Belize

  • 10250 Spanish – Peru

  • 11265 Arabic – Jordan

  • 11273 English – Trinidad

  • 11274 Spanish – Argentina

  • 12289 Arabic – Lebanon

  • 12298 Spanish – Ecuador

  • 13313 Arabic – Kuwait

  • 13322 Spanish – Chile

  • 14337 Arabic – U.A.E.

  • 14346 Spanish – Uruguay

  • 15361 Arabic – Bahrain

  • 15370 Spanish – Paraguay

  • 16385 Arabic – Qatar

  • 16394 Spanish – Bolivia

  • 17418 Spanish – El Salvador

  • 18442 Spanish – Honduras

  • 19466 Spanish – Nicaragua

  • 20490 Spanish – Puerto Rico



Specify this item to filter device information records by agent model.



Specify this item to filter device information records by interval (units: seconds) at which an agent polls the management server.



Specify this item to filter device information records by date and time when the management status of devices was updated.



Specify this item to filter device information records by all IP addresses held by the individual devices.

This value must be expressed as a string by using the IPv4 format (where xxx represents a number in the range of 0-255), or the IPv6 format xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (x: one character from 0-9, A-F, or a-f).

When using like or not like as the operator, remember to suffix the specified value with the wildcard character %.

If the specified value exceeds the maximum length allowed, only those specified IP addresses that fit within the allowed length become valid.



Specify this item to filter device information records by package download delay status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Not delayed

  • 1: Delayed



Specify this item to filter device information records by domain or work group.



Specify this item to filter device information records by device model or manufacturer.



Specify this item to filter device information records by numeric-type host ID.



Specify this item to filter device information records by UDID.



Specify this item to filter device information records by contract phone number.



Specify this item to filter device information records by IMEI.



Specify this item to filter device information records by management type.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Online management

  • 1: Offline management



Specify this item to filter device information records by date and time when the OS was last started.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by installation date.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by method used to collect software information.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 1: Added to Programs and Features

  • 2: Software Search List



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by installation folder.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by status that shows how software information is being processed internally.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Processing completed.

  • 1: Addition processing is in progress.

  • 2: Deletion processing is in progress.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by product ID.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by GUID.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by software name.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by version.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by manufacturer.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by software information type.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 1: Added to Programs and Features

  • 2: Software Search List

  • 3: Program updates



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by registration date and time.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by support information (URL).



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by check status.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Not checked

  • 1: Checked



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by whether the software in question is a Microsoft Office product.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: The software is not a Microsoft Office product.

  • 1: The software is a Microsoft Office product.



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by application type.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Software other than Windows Store apps

  • 1: Windows Store app



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by purchasing status of Microsoft Office products.

You can specify one of the following values:

  • 0: Volume license version

  • 1: Full-product version



Specify this item to filter installed software information records by Microsoft Office product ID.

Data format for installed software information

Installed software information has the following data format:

    "DeviceSoftwareList": [
        "DeviceSoftware": {
            "NodeID": "host-ID",
            "HostName": "host-name",
            "IPAddress": "IP-address",
            "MACAddress": "MAC-address",
            "CreateTime": "created-date-and-time",
            "LastUpdateTime": "last-updated-date-and-time",
            "LastAliveDate": "date-and-time-last-confirmed",
            "IPSubnet": "subnet-mask",
            "EquipmentType": "device-type",
            "EquipmentUserType": "device-type-name-added-by-the-administrator-user",
            "OsKind": "OS-type",
            "AMTFirmwareVersion": "AMT-firmware-version",
            "AgentType": "management-type",
            "AgentVertsion": "agent-version",
            "DistributionRegDate": "distribution-date-and-time",
            "AgentDistributionStatus": "agent-distribution-status",
            "AgentDistributionErrorType": "error-description-provided-after-failed-agent-distribution",
            "AgentStatus": "device-management-status",
            "DiscoverTime": "discovered-date-and-time",
            "AuthStatus": "detailed-device-status",
            "NetworkStatus": "connection-status",
            "AgentDeviceStatus": "device-status",
            "DiscoveryProtocol": "method-used-to-collect-device-information-from-agentless-devices",
            "Caption": "OS-name",
            "AllMacAddress": "all-MAC-addresses-held-by-a-device",
            "InstallCompletionDate": "date-and-time-when-the-distribution-of-the-agent-was-completed",
            "CSDVersion": "OS-Service-Pack",
            "IEVersion": "Internet Explorer version",
            "UnnecessaryServicecnt": "number-of-Windows-services-prohibited-by-security-policies",
            "VideoTimeoutAC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-monitor-shutdown-(AC)",
            "VideoTimeoutDC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-monitor-shutdown-(DC)",
            "StandbyTimeoutAC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-entering-system-standby-(AC)",
            "StandbyTimeoutDC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-entering-system-standby-(DC)",
            "HibernateTimeoutAC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-entering-system-hibernation-state-(AC)",
            "HibernateTimeoutDC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-entering-system-hibernation-state-(DC)",
            "SpindownTimeoutAC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-hard-disk-shutdown-(AC)",
            "SpindownTimeoutDC": "time-(units:seconds)-to-hard-disk-shutdown-(DC)",
            "OsLanguage": "OS-language",
            "ProductID": "agent-model",
            "PollingInterval": "interval-(units:seconds)-at-agent-polls-management-server",
            "MngStatusUpdateTime": "updated-date-and-time-management-status",
            "AllIpAddress": "all-IP-addresses-held-by-a-device",
            "SnoozeDownloadStatus": "package-download-delay-status",
            "Domain": "domain-or-work-group",
            "Manufacturer": "device-model-or-manufacturer",
            "NodeNameInt": "numeric-type-host-ID",
            "UUID": "UDID",
            "PhoneNumber": "contract-phone-number",
            "IMEI": "IMEI",
            "RegistrationType": "management-type",
            "OsLastStartUpdateTime": "date-and-time-when-OS-last-started",
            "SoftwareList": [ 
                "Software": {
                    "InstallDate": "installation-date",
                    "SourceKind": "method-used-to-collect-software-information",
                    "InstallPath": "installation-folder",
                    "BgStatus": "status-of-internally-processed-software-information",
                    "SoftwareProductID": "product-ID",
                    "GUID": "GUID", 
                    "SoftwareName": "software-name",
                    "SoftwareVersion": "version",
                    "SoftwarePublisher": "manufacturer",
                    "SoftwareType": "software-information-type",
                    "RegistrationDate": "registration-date-and-time",
                    "HelpLink": "support-information-(URL)",
                    "SoftwareCheck": "check-status",
                    "ImportantSoft": "whether-the-software-is-a-Microsoft-Office-product",
                    "AppType": "application-type",
                    "MSProductType": "purchasing-type-of-Microsoft-Office-product",
                    "MSProductId": "Microsoft-Office-product-ID"
                }, ...
        }, ...
    "offset": "start-position-of-the-installed-software-information-records",
    "responseCount": "number-of-acquired-installed-software-information-records",
    "totalCount": "total-number-of-installed-software-information-records-matching-the-specified-filters"}

Legend: ...: Iterations of the previous layer


Item name

Data type

Mandatory / Optional





Root name of installed software information. This item stores arrays of DeviceSoftware objects.




Object name of an installed software information record. For details, see DeviceSoftware object.




This item stores the start position of the device information records included in the current response data.




This item stores the number of acquired device information records included in the current response data.

To request the next set of device information records, calculate the sum of the offset value and the responseCount value, which must not exceed the totalCount value, and specify it for offset in the query string of the request.




This item stores the total number of device information records matching the filters specified in the query string of the request.

DeviceSoftware object

Although the SoftwareList array and the Software object are mandatory, all the other DeviceSoftware object items are optional.

Item name

Data type




This item stores a host ID.



This item stores a host name.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "HostName": ""



This item stores an IP (IPv4) address.

When there are multiple IP addresses, the one that was used to send a notification to the management server is stored.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "IPAddress": ""



This item stores a MAC address.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "MACAddress": ""



This item stores a created date and time.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "CreateTime": ""



This item stores a last updated date and time.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "LastUpdateTime": ""



This item stores a date and time when a computer-to-management server connection was last confirmed.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "LastAliveDate": ""



This item stores the subnet mask corresponding to the IP address stored in IPAddress.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "IPSubnet": ""



This item stores a device type.

Specifically, one of the following device types is stored:

  • EquipmentTypeComputer: PC

  • EquipmentTypeServer: Server

  • EquipmentTypeStorage: Storage device

  • EquipmentTypeNetworkDevice: Network device

  • EquipmentTypePrinter: Printer device

  • EquipmentTypePeripheralDevice: Peripheral device

  • EquipmentTypeUSBMemory: USB memory

  • EquipmentTypeDisplay: Display

  • EquipmentTypeSmartDevice: Smart device

  • EquipmentTypeOther: Other device

  • EquipmentTypeUnknown: Unknown device

  • EquipmentTypeUser: Device type added by the administrator user



This item stores the name of the user definition optionally added by the administrator user.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "EquipmentUserType": ""



This item stores an OS type.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Unknown

  • 1: Windows

  • 2: Linux

  • 3: UNIX

  • 4: Mac OS

  • 5: OS for smart devices

  • 6: HP-UX

  • 7: Solaris

  • 8: AIX



This item stores an AMT firmware version.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "AMTFirmwareVersion": ""



This item stores a management type.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Agent Management

  • 1: Agentless Management

  • 2: Agent Management(Network Access Control)

  • 4: Agent Management(Site Server)

  • 6: Agent Management(Site server)(Network Access Control)

  • 9: MDM Linkage Management

  • 16: Agent Management(Relaysystem)

  • 18: Agent Management(Relaysystem)(Network Access Control)

  • 32: Management Relay Server

  • 34: Management Relay Server(Network Access Control)

  • 65: API management



This item stores an agent version.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "AgentVersion": ""



This item stores a distribution date and time.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "DistributionRegDate": ""



This item stores an agent distribution status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Not distributed yet (default value)

  • 1: Waiting to be distributed

  • 11: Currently being distributed

  • 51: Failed distribution attempt (distribution is being retried)

  • 52: Failed distribution attempt (with failed retry attempt)

  • 999: Agent installer started



This item stores an error description provided after a failed agent distribution attempt.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: (Default)

  • 1: Authentication error

  • 2: Communication error

  • 3: Installation-in-progress error

  • 4: Waiting-for-PC-to-start error

  • 5: Other error

  • 101: An agent has not been registered.

  • 102: User authentication failed.

  • 103: Failed to access administrative shares.

  • 104: Failed to access the client.

  • 105: A communication error occurred.

  • 106: The MAC address is different from the registered one.

  • 107: An agent has already been installed.

  • 108: No notification of success has arrived from the agent.

  • 109: The client failed to resolve the manager's host name.

  • 110: Authentication information has not been specified.

  • 111: An error occurred during the creation of agent installation media.

  • 112: The agent installer is currently running.

  • 113: The agent installer did not finish.

  • 201: Failed decompression attempt

  • 202: Required-OS error

  • 203: User-permissions error

  • 204: Failed installation attempt



This item stores a device management status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Managed

  • 1: Excluded

  • 2: Discovered



This item stores a discovered date and time.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "DiscoverTime": ""



This item stores a detailed device status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Running normally (default value)

  • 1: (Status of the discovered device) An authentication error occurred.

  • 2: (Status of the discovered device) The computer is not running.

  • 101: (Printer status) Needing attention of maintenance personnel

  • 102: (Printer status) Cover open

  • 103: (Printer status) Paper jam

  • 104: (Printer status) Paper feeding tray missing

  • 105: (Printer status) Paper receiving tray missing

  • 106: (Printer status) Consumable items lost

  • 107: (Printer status) Toner empty

  • 108: (Printer status) Paper receiving tray full

  • 109: (Printer status) Out of paper

  • 110: (Printer status) Paper feeding tray empty

  • 111: (Printer status) Toner low

  • 112: (Printer status) Paper low

  • 113: (Printer status) Paper receiving tray almost full

  • 114: (Printer status) A communication error occurred.

  • 115: (Printer status) Timing of preventive maintenance due to expiry

  • 999: Unknown

  • 1350: (Site server status) A fatal error occurred.

  • 1360: (Site server status) The database was blocked.

  • 3060: (Site server status) An attempt to install the site server failed.

  • 3070: (Site server status) An attempt to uninstall the site server failed.

  • 3160: (Network monitor status) The network monitor services stopped.

  • 3260: (Site server status) The site server services stopped.

  • 3365: (Site server status) No free space left in the folder storing the operation log database.

  • 3370: (Site server status) No free disk space left on the drive that contains the folder storing the operation log.

  • 3375: (Site server status) The folder storing the operation log database is low on free space.

  • 3380: (Site server status) The drive that contains the folder storing the operation log is low on disk space.

  • 3470: (Site server status) No disk space left on the drive that contains the data folder.

  • 3480: (Site server status) The drive that contains the data folder is low on disk space.

  • 3680: (Network monitor/site server status) The computer is not running.

  • 3850: (Smart device status) The smart device was initialized.



This item stores a connection status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Allowed

  • 1: Blocked

  • 2: Forcibly blocked

  • 3: Outside the period of use

  • 999: Unknown



This item stores a device status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Running

  • 1: Not running

  • 2: Warning

  • 3: Failure

  • 999: Unknown

  • 1100: Not applicable



This item stores a method used to collect device information from agentless devices.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Administrative shares

  • 2: SNMP

  • 3: ICMP

  • 4: ARP

  • 5: Active Directory

  • 6: MDM

  • 999: Unknown



This item stores an OS name.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "Caption": ""



This item stores all MAC addresses held by a device.

The MAC addresses that are stored are represented by the following rules:

  • The MAC address is expressed in hexadecimal, separated by a colon (:).

  • Each MAC address is separated by a comma (,).

  • If all MAC addresses are lined up and more than 512 characters are displayed, the output will be limited to 512 characters.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "AllMacAddress": ""



This item stores a date and time when the distribution of the agent was completed.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "InstallCompletionDate": ""



This item stores an OS Service Pack.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "CSDVersion": ""



This item stores an Internet Explorer version.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "IEVersion": ""



This item stores a number of Windows services prohibited by security policies.



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to monitor shutdown (AC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to monitor shutdown (DC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to entering system standby (AC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to entering system standby (DC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to entering system hibernation state (AC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to entering system hibernation state (DC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to hard disk shutdown (AC).



This item stores a time (units: seconds) to hard disk shutdown (DC).



This item stores an OS language.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 1 Arabic

  • 4 Chinese (Simplified)– China

  • 9 English

  • 1025 Arabic – Saudi Arabia

  • 1026 Bulgarian

  • 1027 Catalan

  • 1028 Chinese (Traditional) – Taiwan

  • 1029 Czech

  • 1030 Danish

  • 1031 German – Germany

  • 1032 Greek

  • 1033 English – United States

  • 1034 Spanish – Traditional Sort

  • 1035 Finnish 1036 French – France

  • 1037 Hebrew

  • 1038 Hungarian

  • 1039 Icelandic

  • 1040 Italian – Italy

  • 1041 Japanese

  • 1042 Korean

  • 1043 Dutch – Netherlands

  • 1044 Norwegian – Bokmal

  • 1045 Polish

  • 1046 Portuguese – Brazil

  • 1047 Rhaeto-Romanic

  • 1048 Romanian

  • 1049 Russian

  • 1050 Croatian

  • 1051 Slovak

  • 1052 Albanian

  • 1053 Swedish

  • 1054 Thai

  • 1055 Turkish

  • 1056 Urdu

  • 1057 Indonesian

  • 1058 Ukrainian

  • 1059 Belarusian

  • 1060 Slovenian

  • 1061 Estonian

  • 1062 Latvian

  • 1063 Lithuanian

  • 1065 Persian

  • 1066 Vietnamese

  • 1069 Basque

  • 1070 Serbian

  • 1071 Macedonian (F.Y.R.O. Macedonia)

  • 1072 Sutu

  • 1073 Tsonga

  • 1074 Tswana

  • 1076 Xhosa

  • 1077 Zulu

  • 1078 Afrikaans

  • 1080 Faeroese

  • 1081 Hindi

  • 1082 Maltese

  • 1084 Gaelic

  • 1085 Yiddish

  • 1086 Malay – Malaysia

  • 2049 Arabic – Iraq

  • 2052 Chinese (Simplified) – PRC

  • 2055 German – Switzerland

  • 2057 English – United Kingdom

  • 2058 Spanish – Mexico

  • 2060 French – Belgium

  • 2064 Italian – Switzerland

  • 2067 Dutch – Belgium

  • 2068 Norwegian – Nynorsk

  • 2070 Portuguese – Portugal

  • 2072 Romanian – Moldova

  • 2073 Russian – Moldova

  • 2074 Serbian – Latin

  • 2077 Swedish – Finland

  • 3073 Arabic – Egypt

  • 3076 Chinese (Traditional) – Hong Kong SAR

  • 3079 German – Austria

  • 3081 English – Australia

  • 3082 Spanish – International Sort

  • 3084 French – Canada

  • 3098 Serbian – Cyrillic

  • 4097 Arabic – Libya

  • 4100 Chinese (Simplified) – Singapore

  • 4103 German – Luxembourg

  • 4105 English – Canada

  • 4106 Spanish – Guatemala

  • 4108 French – Switzerland

  • 5121 Arabic – Algeria

  • 5127 German – Liechtenstein

  • 5129 English – New Zealand

  • 5130 Spanish – Costa Rica

  • 5132 French – Luxembourg

  • 6145 Arabic – Morocco

  • 6153 English – Ireland

  • 6154 Spanish – Panama

  • 7169 Arabic – Tunisia

  • 7177 English – South Africa

  • 7178 Spanish – Dominican Republic

  • 8193 Arabic – Oman

  • 8201 English – Jamaica

  • 8202 Spanish – Venezuela

  • 9217 Arabic – Yemen

  • 9226 Spanish – Colombia

  • 10241 Arabic – Syria

  • 10249 English – Belize

  • 10250 Spanish – Peru

  • 11265 Arabic – Jordan

  • 11273 English – Trinidad

  • 11274 Spanish – Argentina

  • 12289 Arabic – Lebanon

  • 12298 Spanish – Ecuador

  • 13313 Arabic – Kuwait

  • 13322 Spanish – Chile

  • 14337 Arabic – U.A.E.

  • 14346 Spanish – Uruguay

  • 15361 Arabic – Bahrain

  • 15370 Spanish – Paraguay

  • 16385 Arabic – Qatar

  • 16394 Spanish – Bolivia

  • 17418 Spanish – El Salvador

  • 18442 Spanish – Honduras

  • 19466 Spanish – Nicaragua

  • 20490 Spanish – Puerto Rico



This item stores an agent model.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "ProductID": ""



This item stores an interval (units: seconds) at which an agent polls the management server.



This item stores a date and time when the management status of devices was updated.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "MngStatusUpdateTime": ""



This item stores all IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) held by a device.

The IP addresses that are stored are represented by the following rules:

  • The IPv4 address is represented in decimal numbers separated by a period (.).

  • The IPv6 address is represented in hex numbers separated by a colon (:).

  • Each IP address is separated by a comma (,).

  • If all IP addresses are lined up and more than 512 characters are displayed, the output will be limited to 512 characters.

  • When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "AllIpAddress": ""



This item stores a package download delay status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Not delayed

  • 1: Delayed



This item stores a domain or work group.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "Domain": ""



This item stores a device model or manufacturer.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "Manufacturer": ""



This item stores a numeric-type host ID.



This item stores a UDID.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "UUID": ""



This item stores a contract phone number.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "PhoneNumber": ""



This item stores a IMEI.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "IMEI": ""



This item stores a management type.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Online management

  • 1: Offline management



This item stores a date and time when the OS was last started.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "OsLastStartUpdateTime": ""



This item stores arrays of Software objects that represent the individual installed software information records.

This item is mandatory.



This item stores an object name of each installed software information record. For details, see Software object.

This item is mandatory.

Software object

All Software object items are optional.

Item name

Data type




This item stores an installation date.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "InstallDate": ""



This item stores the method used to collect software information.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 1: Added to Programs and Features

  • 2: Software Search List



This item stores an installation folder.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "InstallPath": ""



This item stores the status that shows how software information is being processed internally.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Processing completed.

  • 1: Addition processing is in progress.

  • 2: Deletion processing is in progress.#



This item stores a product ID.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "SoftwareProductID": ""



This item stores a GUID.



This item stores a software name.



This item stores a version.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "SoftwareVersion": ""



This item stores a manufacturer.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "SoftwarePublisher": ""



This item stores a software information type.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 1: Added to Programs and Features

  • 2: Software Search List

  • 3: Program updates



This item stores a registration date and time.



This item stores support information (URL).



This item stores s check status.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Not checked

  • 1: Checked



This item stores information regarding whether the software in question is a Microsoft Office product.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: The software is not a Microsoft Office product.

  • 1: The software is a Microsoft Office product.



This item stores an application type.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Software other than Windows Store apps

  • 1: Windows Store app



This item stores the purchasing status of Microsoft Office products.

"-1" is stored if no value is specified.

Specifically, one of the following values is stored:

  • 0: Volume license version

  • 1: Boxed version

  • empty character: Other

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "MSProductType": ""



This item stores the product ID of the Microsoft Office product.

Specifically, the product ID of the volume license version is stored, with the last five digits of the ID masked with asterisks (*).

When no product ID exists, or when the purchasing status is something other than the volume license version, an empty character is stored.

When an empty character is stored, this item appears as follows: "MSProductId": ""

#: The software in this status is regarded as deleted software and does not show up in the management window.