
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Administration Guide

16.2 Backing up databases

This chapter describes how to back up a database by using a database manager.


To back up a database, you must stop the management server. Therefore, choose a day or time of day for the backup that is during a time when the management server is not used.

The management server runs in the background according to the settings. For settings, refer to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide A.4 Lists of parameters. Check the public message log file JDNMAINn.log (n= 1 to 9) for the operating status of the management server.


The time required for a backup depends on the disc capacity. The dialog box that indicates that a backup is being processed displays the elapsed time, which you can use to measure the progress status.


If your computer is running Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2012, do not specify the following folders for Backup Folder.

  • system-drive:\Program Files\folders-in-WindowsApps

  • A storage folder created by using thin provisioning

  1. In the Database Manager view, from Maintenance, click the Backup button.

  2. In the Database Backup view, specify a folder in which to store the backup file.

    Specify for Backup Folder the location in which to store the backup file. Specify a folder on a local drive. The size of the backup file depends on what operations have been performed and how long JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 has been used. Make sure that the drive has an amount of free space equal to at least the total amount of disk space occupied by the database folder and data folder.



    If you specify a folder on a network drive for Backup Folder, the backup will fail.

    If you have backed up a database before, the location specified for storing the backup file the previous time is displayed. Note that if a backup file with the same name exists in the specified location, the file is overwritten. If overwriting fails, the file backed up the previous time remains without change.

    If specifying a backup folder directly, use a character string not exceeding 150 single-byte characters, which can consist of alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following symbols:

    # ( ) . @ \

  3. Click the Execute button.

    A dialog box that shows the processing status is displayed until the backup is complete.

After the backup is complete, the following files are output:


A backup from the database manager might fail while data folders are being backed up. In this case, use the exportdb.exe command alternatively. The backup might be completed successfully.

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