
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

3.3 Managing product licenses in a multi-server configuration

In a multi-server configuration, the primary management server manages all the product licenses. Product licenses are not required for managing management relay servers.

If you want to manage the number of licenses that are held or the remaining number of licenses on each management server, you must configure the product license information on the management relay servers from the primary management server. The following sections describe how to configure product license information on a management relay server.

About license holding options

You can select a license holding option when you configure product license information on a management relay server. After a license holding option is specified, the management relay server can manage product licenses in the same manner as the primary management server. The primary management server and management relay servers with a license holding option specified are collectively called the management servers for holding licenses.

You can specify either of the following license holding options on a management relay server:

Distribution from primary management server

If this license holding option is specified, some of the product licenses registered on the primary management server are distributed to the management relay server. Specify this option when you want to limit the number of devices that can be managed for each range of shared licenses. The range of shared licenses is described later.

License registration

If this license holding option is specified, the management relay server is authorized to register licenses. Specify this option if you want to manage product licenses by purchasing and registering them for each management relay server.


In a multi-server configuration, only the primary management server and management relay server authorized by the primary management server can register product licenses.

About ranges of shared licenses

If you configure product license information on a management relay server, a range of shared licenses is automatically formed. The following figure shows an example configuration of the ranges of shared licenses:


A range of shared licenses consists of a sharing source (management server for holding licenses) and a sharing destination (management relay server that does not hold licenses). A sharing destination forms a range of shared licenses with the sharing source on the nearest higher level. In the figure above, management relay server B forms the range of shared licenses 1 with primary management server A, which is a sharing source on the nearest higher level. Likewise, management relay server E forms the range of shared licenses 3 with management relay server C. Management relay server D, which does not have any lower management relay servers, forms the range of shared licenses 2 on its own.

In a range of shared licenses, the number of licenses held by the sharing source is the number of devices that can be managed. In the figure above, the range of shared licenses 1 can manage 100 devices regardless of which management server manages the devices. Similarly, the range of shared licenses 2 can manage 10 devices, and the range of shared licenses 3 can manage 40 devices.

Checking the information on the range of shared licenses

You can check license information including the number of held licenses, number of used licenses, and number of remaining licenses, on the primary management server or on the sharing source of each range of shared licenses. On the primary management server, you can check information on all the ranges of shared licenses. On the sharing source of each range of shared licenses, you can check information on the range of shared licenses to which the local server belongs.

The information on the range of shared licenses is displayed in the License Information sections in the License Details dialog box and in the License Details view (under Product Licenses) of the Settings module.


You might want to investigate the total number of devices discovered by the management servers in order to check the number of licenses that are lacking in a range of shared licenses. In this case, you can filter the list in the Discovery - Discovered Nodes view of the Settings module by Managing Source. Specify the host names of the management servers in the range of shared licenses in Managing Source, and check the number of devices that match the filter condition.

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