
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

2.13.4 Types of software that can be uninstalled by the distribution function (ITDM-compatible distribution)

The following two types of software can be uninstalled by the distribution function.

Software registered in Programs and Features

These are software programs registered in Windows' Programs and Features.

If an uninstallation command is the Windows Installer, uninstallation is performed with the silent option (/qn) and the option for suppressing restart (ReallySuppress) specified. The return value is judged as follows:

  • ERROR_SUCCESS(0): Normal termination

  • ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED(1641): Restart is required.

  • ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED(3010): Restart is required.

  • Other codes: Abnormal termination

If an uninstallation command is not the Windows Installer, the specified uninstallation command is executed. If the uninstallation command is executed, uninstallation is judged to have finished successfully.

Software registered in the Software Search Conditions view

These are software programs whose information was collected by a search for executable files (such as EXE files) on a computer with the conditions registered in the Software Search Conditions view of the Settings module.