
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

2.13.1 Managing packages and tasks (ITDM-compatible distribution)

You can use JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 to register and manage packages and tasks for installing software on target computers or for distributing files.

Definition of a package (ITDM-compatible distribution) and task

Usage of packages (ITDM-compatible distribution) and tasks

Related Topics:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Managing packages

In the Packages view of the Distribution (ITDM-compatible) module, you can create and manage packages.

You can also edit created packages. Registered data cannot be changed, but you can change such information as the installation commands and installation folders.

You can also delete unnecessary packages.

Access permissions for distributed packages are inherited from the distribution-destination folder. Access permissions for distributed packages can be changed on the distribution-destination computer by the user.


If the same file as a distributed package already exists at the distribution destination, access permissions for the distributed package are inherited from the existing file's access permissions.

Files to be registered in a package

The following table describes how to specify the files for individual types of packages you create.


Files to be registered in a package

Software installation

If the software to be installed is an MSI file or EXE file, register that file.

If the software to be installed contains multiple MSI files or EXE files or if other files than an MSI file or EXE file are required for installation, compress them in a ZIP file and register the ZIP file. You can store MSI or EXE files in any location in the ZIP file.

File distribution

If you want to distribute only one file, register that file.

If you want to distribute multiple files at the same time, compress them in a ZIP file and register the ZIP file.


The maximum size of a file that can be registered in a package is 1 GB. If the file is a ZIP file, the total size of the unzipped files must also be no more than 2 GB.

If the size of the file is more than 2 GB, split the file so that each piece of the file is less than or equal to 1 GB, distribute the pieces, and then combine the split files after the distribution.


Only software programs that support silent installation can be installed. Silent installation automatically performs installation on users' computers without displaying windows for installation. If the software to be installed is an MSI file, a silent installation command is automatically set when the package is created. If the software to be installed is an EXE file, a silent installation command must be manually specified.


If software does not have an installer, distribute the software as a file.


If a ZIP file is registered in a package, the ZIP file is automatically unzipped when the package is distributed to the target computer. If you want to distribute a ZIP file itself, further compress the ZIP file to another ZIP file and then register it in the package.


Packages used for distributing Widows updates are not displayed in the Packages view.

Related Topics:

(2) Managing tasks

In the Tasks view of the Distribution (ITDM-compatible) module, you can create and manage tasks. There are the following two types of tasks.

Tasks for package distribution

Tasks for installing software or distributing files. These types of tasks also execute automatic countermeasures for software (including Windows updates).

Tasks for uninstallation

Tasks for uninstalling software.

You can also edit created tasks. When you edit a task, you can change only the distribution destination without changing the distribution package and its schedule, or change the specified package without changing the distribution destination.

It is convenient to copy a task when you want to distribute multiple packages to the same destination or when you want to uninstall multiple software programs from the same computer.

You can also delete completed and unnecessary tasks.

If the destination of a task is one computer and that computer is deleted, the task status becomes completed. If the destination of a task is multiple computers and one of those computers is deleted, only that computer is deleted from the destination. The same operation occurs when a target computer is moved to be under another management server in a multi-server configuration.

The Tasks view of the Distribution (ITDM-compatible) module displays the execution status of tasks. For a task that failed distribution, investigate and correct the cause and then re-execute the task.


In the following cases, task information will be automatically deleted from the task list:

Tasks executed by the administrator:

- When 30 days have passed after the completion of distribution.

- When the number of devices subject to the task becomes 0.

Tasks executed by automatic countermeasure:

- When 7 days have passed after the completion of distribution.

- When the number of devices subject to the task becomes 0.

- Unset the Automatic Enforcement of Security Policy (Windows Update or Software Use).

Classes of tasks

There are two classes of tasks.

Tasks executed by the administrator

Tasks created in the Tasks view of the Distribution (ITDM-compatible) module by the administrator of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2

Tasks executed by automatic countermeasure

Tasks automatically created based on the settings of automatic countermeasures for security policies. For details, see 2.13.2 Distribution enforced as an automatic countermeasure for security (ITDM-compatible distribution).

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