
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

2.8.18 Importing the network connection information

By importing network connection information from a CSV file, you can add multiple entries to a network control list in a batch. You can also update multiple entries in a network control list, by exporting, editing, and then importing the network connection information. To import the network connection information, follow the Import the Network Connection Information wizard.


In a multi-server configuration, you can prepare a common set of network connection information for the whole system, and import the information to each management server. Doing so reduces the work required to configure a network control list on each management server. Sharing a set of network connection information among multiple management servers also comes in useful when you need to temporarily switch a server that manages computers, for going on a business trip for example. In this way, you do not have to review the network connection information each time you switch a managing server.


In the Network Filter Settings view of the Settings module, if a hyphen (-) is displayed for a field in the information area, the hyphen (-) is output as a null string when the network connection information is exported. This is done so that network connection information can be correctly imported when exported network connection information is imported without change.

Data in an imported CSV file must be in the defined formats. The following table describes the network connection information fields that can be imported and the defined formats.


Format of data

Whether omission is possible

MAC Address

Write a hexadecimal string in one of the following formats (x: 0 to F):

  • xxxxxxxxxx

  • xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx

  • xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Note that hyphens (-) and colons (:) can be mixed as delimiters.

If there is data with a duplicate MAC address in a CSV file, an error occurs when the file is imported.


IP Address

Write in the following format:


Specify in the range from to You can specify only IPv4 IP addresses. If there is data with a duplicate IP address in a CSV file, and that data does not have MAC addresses specified, an error occurs when the file is imported.


Connection to Network:

Specify either 0 or 2:

0: Permits connection.

2: Denies connection.


Judgment Form

Specify one of 0, 1, and 2:

0: MAC address

1: IP address

2: MAC address + IP address


Specify duration

Specify either 0 or 1:

0: Do not specify a duration.

1: Specify a duration.


Start Date/Time

Specify the local time in a time zone of the Web browser in the following format:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

YYYY: year; MM: month; DD: date; hh: hour; mm: minute; ss: second

The import is performed after the specification of seconds is truncated to "00".


End Date/Time

Specify the local time in a time zone of the Web browser in the following format:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

YYYY: year; MM: month; DD: date; hh: hour; mm: minute; ss: second

The import is performed after the specification of seconds is truncated to "00".



Specify any character string with no more than 128 characters.


Legend: Y: The specification can be omitted. D: Depends on the value of another field. N: The specification cannot be omitted.

#1: Whether the specification can be omitted depends on the value of Judgment Form, as follows:

#2: If Specify duration is set to 1, specify Start Date/Time and End Date/Time. One of these fields can be omitted.

Behavior when data, whose Judgment Form is either MAC Address or MAC Address + IP Address, is imported

Behavior varies depending on whether the existing network control list has a network connection information entry which has the same MAC address with the one in the data to be imported.

If there is a network connection information entry which has the same MAC address

The relevant network connection information entry will be updated. In the updated network control list, Automatic Updates Effect (Only Add Operations Enabled) is set to No effect.

If there is no network connection information entry which has the same MAC address

A network connection information entry is newly added.

Behavior when data, whose Judgment Form is set to IP Address, is imported

Behavior varies depending on whether the existing network control list has a network connection information entry which has the same IP address as that in the data to be imported.

If there is a network connection information entry which has the same IP address

If the MAC address in the imported data and the MAC address of the relevant network connection information entry are different, a network connection information entry is newly added. Otherwise, the relevant network connection information is updated. In the updated network control list, Automatic Updates Effect (Only Add Operations Enabled) is set to No effect.

If there is no network connection information entry which has the same IP address

A network connection information entry is newly added.

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