
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

2.7.7 Setting a connection mode for remote control sessions

You can limit the operations available during a remote control session by specifying a connection mode. This allows you to impose restrictions such as preventing users from using the remotely controlled computer during the remote control session, or limiting the administrator to viewing the user interface in the controller program.

There are three connection modes: Exclusive, Shared, and View. Each mode is described below.


In this mode, only the controller side can control the computer. The user cannot use his or her keyboard or mouse to control the computer. Use this mode if you want to prevent the user from using his or her computer while the controller side is controlling the computer. If you select Exclusive mode and then connect using RFB, the mode automatically goes into Shared mode.


You cannot use Exclusive mode over an RFB connection.


In this mode, the administrator using the controller program and the user of the remote computer are both able to control the computer. Connect using this mode when the administrator and the user might both need to operate the computer.


In this mode, you can view the screen of the remote computer, but not control it using keyboard or mouse operations. Connect using this mode when you just want to view the activity taking place on the remote computer.

Determining the connection mode

The connection mode is determined from the combination of controller settings and agent configurations. The following table shows combinations of the selected connection mode and the mode name displayed on the status window of the remote control agent.

Agent configuration

Setting in the controller





Pattern 1

Controller: View

Agent: Exclusive

Pattern 2

Controller: View

Agent: Exclusive

Pattern 2

Controller: View

Agent: Exclusive


Pattern 3

Controller: Exclusive

Agent: View

Pattern 1

Controller: Shared

Agent: Shared

Pattern 2

Controller: View

Agent: Shared


Pattern 3

Controller: Exclusive

Agent: View

Pattern 3

Controller: Shared

Agent: View

Pattern 1

Controller: View

Agent: View

The following describes Patterns 1 through 3 in the table above.

Patterns 1 and 2

If both the agent and controller are set to the same remote control mode (Pattern 1) and when the agent has a higher-level mode (Pattern 2), the agent configuration takes precedence. Therefore, if the agent is set to Exclusive mode, the controller will go into View mode regardless of the controller's own setting. If the agent is set to Shared or View mode, the controller will use its own setting.

Pattern 3

If the controller has a higher-level mode (Pattern 3), the controller setting takes precedence. Therefore, if the controller is set to Exclusive mode, the agent will go into View mode regardless of the agent's own setting. If the controller is set to Shared mode, the agent will use its own setting.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Changing the connection mode from a remotely controlled computer

A user cannot use his or her computer if it is being remotely controlled in exclusive mode.

If a need arises for the user to control the computer, he or she can change the connection mode to shared by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

When a user uses this method to change the connection mode from exclusive to shared, the controller is notified and displays a message asking whether the administrator wants to allow it. If the administrator does not permit the mode change, the computer reverts to exclusive mode and the user is unable to operate the computer again.


The connection mode changes to shared as soon as the user presses Ctrl + Alt + Delete on his or her computer. This means that by the time the message appears in the controller, the connection has already entered shared mode.

(2) Connection modes when using multiple remote control connections

When several controllers connect to one computer, only one of those controllers can work in exclusive mode. All other controllers work in view mode.

If the controller working in exclusive mode changes to another mode or leaves the session, a message appears on the other controllers indicating that the session is no longer in exclusive mode.

The following figures show examples of how the connection mode changes when you use multiple remote control connections.

Example 1: Initial state

Suppose that three controllers connect to a single remote computer using the connection modes illustrated below.


Example 2: Controller 1 changes to exclusive mode

When controller 1 changes to exclusive mode from its initial state, the connection modes of the other controllers change as shown below.


  1. Controller 1 changes to exclusive mode.

    A message reporting the change appears on the remote computer.

  2. The user clicks OK on the remote computer.

    The remote computer enters view mode. A message indicating that another controller has entered exclusive mode appears on controller 2.

  3. The administrator clicks OK in controller 2.

    Controller 2 enters view mode.

Example 3: Controller 1 changes to another mode from exclusive mode

From the state in example 2, if controller 1 changes to another mode from exclusive mode, the other controllers do not change mode. The result is the same if controller 1 disconnects from the remote computer.


  1. Controller 1 changes to shared mode.

  2. A message appears in controller 2 and controller 3 indicating that controller 1 is no longer in exclusive mode. However, controller 2 remains in view mode.

Example 4: The user presses Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the remote computer after controller 1 has entered exclusive mode.

In the state in example 2, if the user of the remote computer presses Ctrl + Alt + Delete, the connection modes of the other controllers change as follows:


  1. The user presses Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the remote computer.

    A message requesting confirmation of the change of connection mode appears in controller 1.

  2. The administrator clicks Yes in controller 1.

    Controller 1 and the remote computer enter shared mode. If the user clicks No instead, the mode does not change.

  3. In controller 2 and 3, a message appears indicating that the other controller is no longer in exclusive mode. Controller 2 and 3 remain in view mode.

(3) Checking controller connection status

You can check the following information from the status window or from the Remote Control Agent icon that appears when the remote control agent starts:

Remote Control Agent icon displays

The Remote Control Agent icon is color-coded as follows to indicate controller connection status:

When you position the mouse pointer on the Remote Control Agent icon, the number of connected controllers appears.

Display in the status window

The color of the title bar of the status window shows controller connection status. The color coding is the same as for the Remote Control Agent icon. The connection status, connection mode, and number of connected controllers are shown in the title bar.

The number in parentheses in the title bar is the number of connected controllers.