
JP1 Version 13 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

1.3.9 Working with the Settings module

In the Settings module, you can customize JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 settings such as user account settings and agent configurations. You can also search for devices and distribute agents from this module.

Each view of the Settings module is described next.

Settings List view

Lists the operations available in the Settings module. From this view, you can navigate to each view of the Settings module and customize the environment.


Product Site Map view

Lists the main components of the user interface provided by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. You can go directly to a particular view by clicking the corresponding link. The Product Site Map view is useful if you need to access a particular view and are unsure of its location.


Views in the Settings module

User Management view

You can add, edit, and delete JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 user accounts.

Agent view

You can create and edit agent configurations and create installation sets. You can also distribute the agent software and assign agent configurations to agents.

Note that you cannot apply this view to agents for UNIX or Mac.

Discovery view

Operations you can perform in this view include setting search conditions for devices, and manually initiating device discovery. You can also start managing a device in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 by designating it as a management target.

Network Access Control view

You can specify, by network segment, whether to permit newly discovered devices to connect to the network. You can also set linkages with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager and specify the settings related to the network control list.

Security view

You can schedule security assessments of managed computers. You can also specify settings related to the automatic import and export of operation logs, specify the version of the Windows OS you are using, and set security judgment for updates.

Assets view

You can set management items for asset information. You can also add, edit, and delete contract company information. If you import asset information from a CSV file, you can use this view to check the status and results of the import process.

Inventory view

You can add, edit, and delete conditions to be used when searching for software that does not appear in the Programs and Features list in Windows. You can also specify the settings for using AMT in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 and for collecting revision histories. Furthermore, you can specify device maintenance conditions and perform detection.

Reports view

You can specify the retention period and start date for reports. You can also nominate a user as a recipient or a summary report.

Events view

You can select users to be notified when an event occurs, the type and severity of errors that generate a notification, and events for which no notification is issued.

General view

You can set up connections to the SMTP server, Active Directory, support services, and MDM systems.

Product Licenses view

You can view license information for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 and register additional licenses.