
JP1 Version 13 Asset and Distribution Management: Getting Started

1.2.1 Installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager

Organization of this subsection

(1) Installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager on a server

Install JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, following the wizard's instructions.


Installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager on a server might take a few hours (depending on the specifications of the computer). This is because the simple installation method selected in this manual creates a database automatically. Keep this in mind when starting installation.

Operation procedure

  1. Log on with the administrator role to the server to be used as the management server.

  2. Insert the provided media of the product into the CD/DVD drive.

    The Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box appears.

    If the Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box does not appear

    Double-click the HCD_INST.EXE file on the provided media. The Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box will appear.

  3. Select JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, and then click the Install button.


    A message appears, asking you whether you want to start installation.

  4. Click the OK button.

    The installation wizard appears.

  5. Click the Next button.

    The Permission Agreement window appears.

  6. Read through the license agreement to the end.

  7. Select I accept the terms in license agreement.


  8. Click the Next button.

    The Installation type window appears.

  9. Click the Next button.

    Quick installation is selected as the installation type, and setup is automatically performed with all default settings. Then, the Installation folder window appears.


    For details about automatic setup, see the description Setup parameters in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide.

  10. Click the Next button.

    The Setting up the database window appears.

    If the installation destination disk does not have sufficient unused capacity

    Click the Change button to change the installation folder if the folder displayed by default does not have the following total amounts of unused capacity:

    - Installation folder for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager: 2.9 GB or more

    - Database folder: 15.0 GB or more

  11. Set a password, and then click the Next button.


    The InstallShield is ready to install program window appears. This window displays the information for starting installation. Also, the Components to Install dialog box displays the Remote Install Manager that is necessary for installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager.

  12. Click the Install button.


    Installation starts, and the Installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager window appears.

  13. Wait for a while.

    When installation finishes, the The install wizard is complete window appears.

  14. Clear the Starting on JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 check box.


    In this example, we assumed the user logs in from the administrator's computer rather than from the server to be operated.

  15. Click the Finish button.

    When you are instructed to restart the computer, restart the computer.

  16. In the Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box, click the Finish button.

    The Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box closes, and then the dialog box for confirming that the installer has been completed appears.

  17. Click the OK button.

    The dialog box closes.

  18. Remove the provided media.


    At this point, check and record the IP address and host name of the management server. You will need this information when you set up, or log in to, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.

What you do next

Now you have finished installation of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager. The server on which JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager is installed is called the management server. Next, you install Remote Install Manager on the administrator's computer. Remote Install Manager is used to distribute files.

(2) Installing Remote Install Manager on the administrator's computer

Also install Remote Install Manager, following the wizard. For JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Operations Director, you do not need to perform this procedure. Proceed to 1.2.1(3) Registering the product license of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.

Operation procedure

  1. Log on with the administrator role to the administrator's computer.

  2. Insert the provided media of the product into the CD/DVD drive.

  3. When the Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box appears, select JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, and then click the Install button.

  4. Click the OK button.

  5. Click the Next button.

  6. Read through the license agreement to the end.

  7. Select I accept the terms in license agreement.

  8. Click the Next button.

    The Installation type window appears.

  9. Select Custom installation, and then click the Next button.


    The User Registration window appears.

  10. Enter the user name and company name, and then click the Next button.


    The Installation folder window appears.

  11. Click the Next button.

    The Custom installation window appears.

  12. Click the icon on the left of Manager, and then select This feature will not be available.


    JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager is removed from the components to be installed.

  13. Click the icon on the left of Remote Install Manager, and then select This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive.

    Remote Install Manager is added to the components to be installed.

  14. Click the Next button.

    The InstallShield is ready to install program window appears.

  15. Click the Install button.


    Installation starts. A series of windows appear as processing progresses.

  16. Wait for a while.

    When installation finishes, the The install wizard is complete window appears.

  17. Click the Finish button.

    When you are instructed to restart the computer, restart the computer.

  18. In the Hitachi Integrated Installer dialog box, click the Finish button.

  19. Click the OK button.

  20. Remove the provided media.

What you do next

Now you have finished installing Remote Install Manager on the administrator's computer. Next, you use that computer to register the product license of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.

(3) Registering the product license of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2

Display the login window on the administrator's computer, and then register the product license you purchased.

Operation procedure

  1. Set the CD-ROM titled Hitachi License Files in the CD/DVD drive.

  2. Prepare the management server information recorded in 1.2.1(1) Installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager on a server. Use this information to complete the following URL, and then enter the URL on the web browser's address bar:



    If you add the above URL as Favorites of Internet Explorer, you can display the login window quickly, without entering the URL.

    If the login window does not appear correctly:

    Possible causes and their corrective actions are as follows:

    - The entered URL is incorrect. -- Check the URL that you entered. If the URL includes a host name, make sure that the host name can be resolved to an IP address.

    - The network has a problem. -- Check the error information displayed in the web browser, and make sure that there are no problems with the network between the computer and management server.

  3. Click the License button.


    The License Details window appears.

    If an error is displayed:

    You might be able to prevent the error by performing the following procedure in Internet Explorer:

    1. Display the Internet Options dialog box, and open the Security tab.

    2. Add the following URL to Trusted sites:


    3. Restart Internet Explorer.

  4. Click the Register License button.


    The window for selecting the license key file appears.

  5. Select and open the license key file (.xml) on the CD-ROM that you sent in step 1.

    A dialog box appears, notifying you that license registration is finished.


    Because the license key file is necessary when you replace the management server, be sure to store the file.

    For details, see Replacing a management server in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Configuration Guide.

  6. Click the OK button.

    License management operations are finished. In the following steps, you check whether the license has been registered correctly.

  7. In the login window, click the License button.

    The License Details window appears.

  8. Compare the value of Maximum number of managed nodes in that window with the value of Total Number of License in the license agreement (Software License Agreement), and then confirm that these values match.



    If you have additionally purchased product licenses, sum the Total Number of License values of all license agreements.

  9. Click the Close button.

    The License Details window closes, and the login window appears.

What you do next

Now you have correctly registered the product license of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. Next, you log in to the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 operation window.

(4) Log in to the operation window

Log in to the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 operation window. After logging in, you must first change the password.

Operation procedure

  1. Enter the following login information in User ID and Password:

    • User ID: system

    • Password: manager



      The above password can be used for only the first login.

  2. Click the Login button.

    The Change Password dialog box appears.


    If you select the Remember User check box, you do not need to enter the user ID in the login window again.

  3. Enter the new password.



    The following shows the guidelines for strengthening the password. Enter a strong password for safer security management.

    • Combine uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols.

    • Do not use a string that is consecutive (such as 12345).

    • Do not use the name or birthday of yourself or an associate, or a dictionary word.

  4. Click the OK button.

    The dialog box notifying you that the password was successfully changed appears.

  5. Click the OK button.

    The Home module appears.


    None of the procedures described in this manual use the Getting Started window.

    If you do not want to display the Getting Started window again during login, select the Do not display this message again check box, and then click × in the top right corner to close the window.

    To display the Getting Started window again, select View, then Change View Default.

What you do next

Now you have completed login to the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 operation window. Next, you install JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent.