
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

E.3 Details of the environment setting parameters

This subsection describes details of the environment setting parameters of the JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications.

Note that the default of an environment setting parameter means the value that is assumed when the environment setting parameter is omitted.

Organization of this subsection


Specify the file name of the connection configuration file containing connection information with JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications server.


"CSACONNECTCONFIG"="file-name-of-the-connection-configuration-file-with-JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications server"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 255 bytes

Default value
In Windows
  • Physical host:

    JP1/AJS3 installation-folder\conf\ajscsajob_network.conf

  • Logical host:


In Linux
  • Physical host:


  • Logical host:


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time running a service linkage job

Cautionary note

During cluster setup (jajs_setup_cluster execution) in JP1/AJS3, the value of the physical host does not take over to the logical host. After cluster setup, review the setting of this parameter.


Specify the size of the service linkage job log file.



Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in KB) from 00006400 to 0001B800 (25,600 to 112,640 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00006400 (25,600 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time running a service linkage job

Cautionary note

During cluster setup (jajs_setup_cluster execution) in JP1/AJS3, the value of the physical host takes over to the logical host