
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

8.5.3 Troubleshooting failures of jobs and linked cloud services

By linking a job (generation) executed on JP1/AJS3 and the linked cloud service, the following conditions can be checked.

The following describes how to link a job and a cloud service:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Check the status of the linked cloud service when a job terminates abnormally

Check the status of the corresponding history on the linked cloud service based on the information that the job terminated abnormally. Check the status when a job is terminated due to the time limit of job definition.

Job information to be checked
  • Execution result details

  • Job definition information

  • Job execution information

Means to check job information
  • JP1/AJS3 - View or JP1/AJS3 - Web Console

  • ajsshow command or ajsprint command

(2) Check the status of the linked cloud service while a job is running

Check the status of the corresponding history on the linked cloud service based on the information of the job that is running.

Job information to be checked
  • Job start date and time

Means to check job information
  • JP1/AJS3 - View or JP1/AJS3 - Web Console

  • ajsshow command

If the status cannot be identified using these means, check the status of the corresponding history on the linked cloud service based on the information output to the service linkage jobs log for a job executed by host (JP1/AJS3 - Manager host or JP1/AJS3 - Agent host) For more information about the service linkage job log, see 8.2.5 Service Linkage Job Log.

Service Linkage Job Log information to be checked
  • CLI command run history (command line information)

  • CLI start time

Means to check the service linkage job log information
  • Login to job execution host (JP1/AJS3 - Manager host or JP1/AJS3 - Agent host), collect logs to check the information

(3) Check the status of a job when the status of the linked cloud service is abnormal

Check that the history corresponding to the job based on the information of the history corresponding to the linked cloud service. Check the following two items of information:

Information 1
Information on the cloud service to be checked
  • Run start time

  • Run finish time

  • "Request IP address (job execution host)" of the corresponding request in the cloud operation logs

Means to check information on the cloud service
  • Management screen of the linked cloud service

Information 2
Contents of message KNBB3034-I output to server job log
  • Manager host name

  • Scheduler service name

  • Unit full name

  • Execution ID

  • Job ID

Means to check the service linkage job log information

Collect and check logs after login to JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications


It is recommended that the following items be entered based on the definition of the service linkage job so that Information 1 and Information 2 can be linked, and the job can be identified from the information on the linked cloud service.

  • Name of the service to be linked

  • Overview of the linking process

(4) Recommended settings for service linkage job

The following settings are recommended when designing a service linkage job in order to link the job and the history of the linked cloud service.

(a) Settings of the linked cloud service

Enable the activity trace function in the linked cloud service to secure information, such as cloud operation logs.

(b) Definition of service linkage execution information

  • Set the CLI command line to be output to the job's standard error output as the execution history of the CLI command.

    By default, the setting is to output this information.

  • If the linked cloud service has an interface that enables you to specify and check arbitrary character strings, specify these strings as the information to be linked.

    Specifically, the following environment variables are used.

    • AJS_CSL_JOB_UUID (UUID set by the service linkage job)

    • AJSHOST (Manager host name)

    • AJS_AJSCONF (Scheduler service name)

    • AJSJOBNAME (Job name (unit full name))

    • AJSEXECID (Execution ID)

    • JP1JobID (Job ID)

    When specifying the manager host name, scheduler service name, job name, execution ID, and job ID, make sure that they are character strings that can be specified as CLI arguments for the linked cloud service. Pay particular attention to the value and the length of character string. For details on these environment variables, see the description of the environment variables which are configured when executing the job by JP1/AJS3 in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  • If there is information that can be used to identify the history on the linked cloud service side, specify that it will be output to standard error output.

    Specifically, the following information should be output.

    • Values that are unique to the linked cloud service (e.g., the identifier that was executed)

    • URL that can refer to the status of the linked cloud service

    • Information on the start time, end time, and status of the linked cloud service