
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

jajs_log (Linux only)

Organization of this page


     [-h logical-host-name]
     [-f storage-directory]


This command collects maintenance information, such as the JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications definitions, operating information, and information about the OS.

By default, the results of executing the data collection tool are output to the following files under /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/.

For physical host
  1. JP1_DEFAULT_1st.tar.Z

    The data for the first reports are output.

  2. JP1_DEFAULT_2nd.tar.Z

    The data for the second reports are output.

  3. JP1_DEFAULT_3rd.tar.Z

    All the other data are output.

For logical host
  1. logical-host-name_1st.tar.Z

    The data for the first report are output.

  2. logical-host-name_2nd.tar.Z

    The data for the second report are output.

  3. logical-host-name_3rd.tar.Z

    All the other data are output.

Execution privileges

Superuser privilege

Storage directory



-h logical-host-name

Specify the name of the target logical host. Data of JP1/Base is collected from the specified logical host.

In addition, the data collection tool collects the data on the physical host in addition to the data on the specified logical host.

If you do not specify a name, the physical host logs are collected.

-f storage-directory

Use a full path without space characters to specify the directory used to store the collected information. If the specified directory name contains a space character, the system assumes that the character string before the space is the storage directory name and treats the characters after the space as other arguments.

When you use a relative path to specify a storage directory, the specified path is created under the root directory and the collected data are stored there.

If you specify a directory that does not exist, a new directory with that name is created. If data have already been collected in the specified storage directory, a message asking whether you want to overwrite the data appears.

If you omit this option, the collected data are output to /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/.


Specify this option if you do not want to collect information about the database used by JP1/AJS3.

If you do not specify this option, the data collection tool collects information about the database.


Specify this option if you do not want to obtain the hosts, services, and password files.


Specify this option if you do not want to obtain the core file.

Although you specify this option, the back trace information is collected.


Specify this option if you do not want to collect detailed information about JP1/Base.

The detailed information about JP1/Base is the data for the second report, which is output to the JP1BASE_INFO directory.

If you do not specify this option, the data collection tool collects detailed information about JP1/Base.

When this option is not specified, it is automatically determined whether to collect the information. Therefore, do not specify this option if you are unsure about whether detailed information about JP1/Base needs to be collected.

Specify this option only when you want to suppress the collection of detailed information about JP1/Base.

If free disk space at the output destination is insufficient, execute the data collection tool with the -b option specified, and then execute the data collection tool for JP1/Base (jbs_log) to collect detailed information about JP1/Base. For details about the data collection tool for JP1/Base (jbs_log), see the JP1/Base User's Guide.


Use the full path without space characters to specify the file that is not usually obtained by using the data collection tool, such as the core file of the JP1/AJS3 commands. If the specified file name contains a space character, the system assumes that the character string before the space is an additional file name and treats the characters after the space as other arguments. Using this argument, you can collect information that is not automatically collected by the data collection tool.

If the core file is specified as an additional file, the core file is collected even if you specify the -u option.

You can specify a directory name for additional-file. If you specify a directory, all the data in the specified directory are collected.


Return values


Normal end

Value other than 0

Abnormal end




System action

Directory directory-name is created

A directory is created.

Continues processing.

Some data could not be collected by AJS Administrator.

Some data could not be collected because an AJS administrator executed the data collection tool.

Continues processing.

Overwrite file (file-name) ok?

This message asks you whether you want to overwrite file-name.

Press y to continue the processing, or press n to cancel the processing.

Waits for a user response.


When a target program is not installed, or when file access fails because some other process is using the file or because a necessary file-access permission is lacking, a message might be output that states that file access failed or a directory or file does not exist. Such a message does not indicate a problem.

This message is displayed when the specified file is being used or was not found during data collection. However, there is no problem.

Continues processing.

Output file name :(file-name)

The file indicated by file-name has been created.

Terminates the processing.

Write permission error (directory-name)

You do not have write permission. Possible reasons are as follows:

  • You do not have permission to create a directory.

  • The directory is being used by another process.

Correct the error, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

Make directory (directory-name) is unsuccessful

The directory could not be created. Possible reasons are as follows:

  • You do not have permission to create a directory.

  • The directory is being used by another process.

Correct the error, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

Read permission error(file-name)

You do not have read permission.

Obtain read permission, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

File file-name is not found

The directory or file specified as the additional file was not found.

Specify a correct path, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

[ -s ] [ -f output-file ] [ -h Logical-Host-Name ] [ -t ] [ -u ] [ -e ] [ -b ] [ add-in-file ... ]

The options are specified incorrectly.

Specify the options correctly, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

The collection of detailed information on JP1/Base begins.

Collection of detailed information about JP1/Base has started.

Continues processing.

The collection of detailed information on JP1/Base ended.

Collection of detailed information about JP1/Base has ended

Continues processing.

Example 1

The following command collects data about a physical host.


Example 2

The following command collects data about a logical host (cluster).

jajs_log -h cluster

Example 3

The following command outputs information, including the core file (/tmp/core), to a specified file (/tmp/trouble).

jajs_log -f /tmp/trouble /tmp/core

Data that can be collected

The data collection tool collects the data from JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications in addition to the data from JP1/AJS3 - Manager. The data additionally collected from JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications are shown below. For details on data collected from JP1/AJS3 - Manager, see jajs_log or _04 (UNIX only) in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

The data for the first reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/JP1_DEFAULT_1st.tar.Z#1)

Names of directory or file containing collected data



Storage destination of shared directory information


Storage destination of configuration files


Storage destination of database information


Definition information output result file


History information output result file


Storage destination of log files


Storage destination of system files


Storage destination of temporary files


Storage destination of configuration files excluding the root certificate


Storage destination of system files


Storage destination of data of the HTTP server and application server


Data of the HTTP server and application server


Storage destination of database information


Definition information output result file


History information output result file


Storage destination of log files


Storage destination of system files


Storage destination of temporary files


Log file output by the tool that collects data of the HTTP server and application server


Database information


File list


When the -f option is omitted, data are output here.


/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/JP1AJS3CSA_INFO/SHARED and files and directories under it are collected only when setup is executed by using the ajscsasetup command with the -d option specified and when the directories and files exist.