
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

4.4.5 Operation of service linkage jobs

This section describes registration, listing, and deletion of service linkage jobs.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Registration of service linkage jobs

The following shows the procedure for registering a service linkage job.

  1. Export a service linkage definition file from the JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications server, and place the file in a desired folder on the host with JP1/AJS3 - View installed.

  2. Start the command prompt on the host with JP1/AJS3 - View installed.

  3. Specify the path to the service linkage definition file, custom job name, and the path to the icon file (when using the custom job icon) for arguments, and execute the ajscsajobreg command.

    For details on the ajscsajobreg command, see ajscsajobreg (Windows only) in 7. Commands.

  4. Restart JP1/AJS3 - View.

    The registered information will be enabled after restart.

  5. Click the Custom jobs tab in the Jobnet Editor window, and check that the icon has been added.

    Place the mouse cursor over the icon, and the custom job name appears in a tool tip.

(2) Listing of service linkage jobs

The following shows the procedure for listing service linkage jobs.

  1. Start the command prompt on the host with JP1/AJS3 - View installed.

  2. Execute the ajscsajoblist command.

    For details on the ajscsajoblist command, see ajscsajoblist (Windows only) in 7. Commands.

(3) Deletion of service linkage jobs

The following shows the procedure for deleting a service linkage job.

  1. Start the command prompt on the host with JP1/AJS3 - View installed.

  2. Specify a custom job name you want to delete for an argument, and execute the ajscsajobdel command.

    For details on the ajscsajobdelcommand, see ajscsajobdel (Windows only) in 7. Commands.

  3. Restart JP1/AJS3 - View.

    The registered information will be enabled after restart.

  4. Click the Custom jobs tab in the Jobnet Editor window, and check that the icon has been deleted.

(4) When using a different service linkage job for each JP1 user

You can switch the service linkage job displayed on the Jobnet Editor window of JP1/AJS3 - View based on each JP1 user by dividing folders containing custom job registration information and service linkage job specific information for each JP1 user.

The following shows the procedure for using a different service linkage job for each JP1 user.

  1. Create an extend folder immediately under the custom job registration information folder data-folder-of-JP1/AJS3 - View\custom.dir. Then, immediately under this folder, create a folder specified in the user specified option file jajsCustomJobDirectory.

  2. Create a extend folder immediately under the folder storing service linkage job specific information data-folder-of-JP1/AJS3 - View\csadef. Then, immediately under this folder, create a folder specified in the user specified option file jajsCustomJobDirectory.

  3. Grant the read and write privileges to the folder created in the steps 1 and 2.

  4. For the environment variable AJS_CSA_VIEW_CUSTOMJOBDIR, specify the folder name that is specified for jajsCustomJobDirectory in the user specified option file.

    If no folder name is specified for the environment variable or if the specified folder does not exist, the default folder (custom job registration information folder: data-folder-of-JP1/AJS3 - View\custom.dir, and the folder storing service linkage job specific information: data-folder-of-JP1/AJS3 - View\csadef) is used for operation.

  5. Operate the service linkage jobs used by the JP1 user by following the procedures for registering, listing, and deleting service linkage jobs.